REWRITE - Chapter 21

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Chad and Freddie were ushered back over to behind the orange pylons and I was left alone on the field with Ross. He looked as nervous as I felt.

"No teeth, no claws, submission only," the ref told us and we both nodded and she started the fight. No one had changed into wolf form yet so I didn't see a reason to repeat the rules again and again.

Ross took a stance that said he was ready to come at me, but he made no moves to rush me. This is going to be lame if he doesn't fight back, besides I can take out my Chad anger on him.

So I did what he expected, I rushed at him. He tensed even more, bending his knees a bit, expecting me to hit him head-on. At the last second, I jumped over him. Turning midair, with his head turning in surprise, I kicked out and used my momentum to swing my foot right into his head. It whipped so hard to the left I'm sure if the kick didn't hurt now, the whiplash would definitely hurt a lot later.

I rolled on the ground when I landed and popped up back onto my feet to face him. He was holding his face and looking towards Chad and the crowd in horror. Ross - and everyone else - didn't expect that.

This is a fight.

I charged again, throwing a punch that also surprised him. He swung back in a frantic motion that I easily dodged. I punched him in the gut and he bent over in pain. Then he started to growl in annoyance. I was the first girl to join the fighting and he was losing against me.

There came a ripping noise and I jumped back as he shifted into his wolf form. He was a black wolf with a couple of white spots here and there. He was almost the same height as me, but just a little smaller which was weird to me. Is my wolf form bigger than his?

He growled even more now and showed his teeth in an intimidating manner. Chad shouted from the sidelines for him to quit now but he must've blocked him out. Ross charged at me and slammed into me before I could react. I grabbed onto his neck, circling my arms around it and interlocking my hands to hold on while he frantically whipped around trying to get me to let go. It only made me hold on tighter and probably start to choke him.

Then he started jumping around and rolling all over the place while I held on as tight as I could. Then his tooth hit my leg and I screamed out in pain then let go, he flung me far and I went flying through the sky.

Letting my instincts take over mid-air out of more fear than anything, I shifted and landed on all four paws. I turned to him and growled, showing my teeth and no fear as I charged again. When I body checked him and he went skidding in the opposite direction, I realized I was right. My wolf form was at least a foot taller than his.

He came running back at me with his teeth out and ready to bite at me but I easily dodged him. He was now fighting dirty and against the rules. Ross bit at me and I side-checked him again, just then three human forms pulled him away and I stood there looking at them in surprise.

"The fight is over!" The ref announced, "win to Tori and Alpha Miller due to foul play and use of teeth to inflict injury by Ross,  Alpha Davis, and Chad Davis."

The crowd erupted into cheers and Spencer and Freddie were soon at my side. "Are you alright?" Spener voiced his concern right away.

Freddie went to my side and touched my leg, the leg where Ross had scraped me in human form. I glanced back as tingles erupted there but then also a wave of pain came over me. There was blood... and a lot of it.

I panicked and started to breathe heavily as I looked at Spencer and flinched away from Freddie. Both of them took on alarming expressions. "You should shift back," Spencer told me.

Naked in front of all of these people? No thank you.

I took off back to Spencer's parked car, scaring a lot of people and probably getting some blood on them.

I could feel Freddie was right behind me and I guessed that Spencer was behind him. Probably didn't want me to run too far or break into Spencer's car. I got there in record time anyway. Then I turned around and sure enough Spencer and Freddie were right there. I wined a little and Spencer rushed to his car door to open it. He found my bag with my extra clothes and I was overly thankful as I took it and jumped behind some cars to change.

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