"Hmm, sure," Jisung hums, pulling away from his friend and sitting on the edge of the bed next to him. After Seungmin spotted Minho and Chan, he decided not to go back to his dorm and try to find a place to be alone. It didn't work out the way he planned because somehow he ended up in Jisung's dorm, hiding with him well eating copious amounts of chips to make themselves feel better.

"I just don't understand why it bothered me so much," Seungmin tells him. He wasn't going to originally tell Jisung about what he saw, considering the state he was in, but he got started on a rant and it sort of slipped out.

"You like him," Jisung says, "maybe a little more than you're willing to admit."

Seungmin shakes his head. Yes, he thinks Chan is attractive, and he may have a small crush on him. However, none of those extend to the possibility that seeing Chan affectionate with anyone else, would make him feel gloomy.

"No, it's just a crush," Seungmin states, "nothing special."

Jisung raises an eyebrow at his friend, "then why are you hiding out in my room with me and complaining about boys?"

"Because I love you, and that's what you need to make you feel better." Seungmin smiles, poking his friend's cheek.

Jisung smiles back at him, not arguing with the other claims because they are partially true. The older sighs, resting his head on Seungmin's shoulder and wrapping his arms around his friend. Seungmin returns the hug, as well as, resting his head on top of Jisung's. The slightly older's roommates are still out, so it gives the two the quiet they need, as well as, the comforting companionship they want from each other without having to deal with the teasing from Jisung's roommates.

"Thank you for being here," Jisung mumbles.

"Anytime," Seungmin whispers.


After his study session with Minseok on Friday, Felix exits his office and makes his way straight to the dorms. It's getting a little late since Minseok insisted on working on a technique until Felix mastered it that session together. Though Felix has improved, he still believes he is far from mastery.

Felix chooses to take the long way back to the dorms, wandering a bit in the halls since he still has some time before curfew. This usually happens after a study session, since he doesn't want to go back to a dorm where nearly everyone dislikes him and scrutinizes his every move.

He is happy that it's time for the weekend, and that he has managed to finish all of his homework early, thanks to Minseok. Though he finds it a little unfortunate that he is still going to get up early so he can avoid eating with people, it will be nice to have a couple of days to himself, for the most part. Minseok still wants to practice with him for a couple of hours in the afternoon, but other than that, he will have a free schedule for which he is thrilled.

Turning down a hallway, Felix slows his steps to admire the wall art. The symbols that were once nonsense to him actually have some sort of meaning. Sure, he can't bring the exact meaning to him at this moment, but he remembers Minseok showing him pictures and explaining to him what they represent. He feels weirdly proud of himself remembering that.

This school is actually very interesting to explore, maybe over-

Felix hears footsteps coming echoing down the hall, prompting him to hide behind the first door he saw, a janitors closet. He doesn't really know why he is hiding, but he doesn't plan on coming out. A part of him feels uncomfortable all together having other people see him, so he tries to be in the parts of the school where no one is. Another part feels like he could be breaking the rules, even if he is sure he isn't, he still tries to make sure no one sees what he is doing.

"The headmaster wants to know if you have anything on the Lee family yet." He hears one of the people speak.

"I'm still waiting on Hyuna to get back to me," a much deeper voice responds. They sound close since Felix can pick up what they are saying even through the door.

"I suggest we wait in the headmaster's office that way everything can stay confidential," the deeper voice speaks. Felix doesn't hear the other person speak, but he assumes he agreed since he hears the footsteps of the people leaving.

Why does it sound like they are hiding something about my family?

Felix chooses to wait a few minutes after the footsteps have completely disappeared. Giving him some time to pull his thoughts together before going back to his room. Gripping the door handle, Felix pushes the door open with a bit more force than he meant for it to have, but all is good. At least until he pushes the door into someone and knocks them over.


Felix's eyes widen at the sound as he bursts out of the closet, seeing a boy kneeling on the floor, clutching at his shoulder where he was hit.

"I am so sorry!" Felix exclaims frantically.

He isn't sure whether he should stand back or help the male. His question is mostly answered when the dark-haired male stands up on his own, turning around to face Felix. He still is holding his shoulder and his face is scrunched up in pain, but other than that, Felix doesn't think he suffered any other injuries.

"Are you okay?" Felix asks, mentally kicking himself right after he utters the words. You hit him with a fucking door, of course, he isn't okay?

"What the hell was that for?" The dark-haired male questions.

Felix opens his mouth but quickly closes it.

Does he think I did that on purpose?

"I didn't mean to hit you, or anyone!" Felix defends, "I was just coming out of the closet!"

The dark-haired male raises an eyebrow, "was that supposed to be a joke?"

"Wha-? No, I-"

"It's fine," the dark-haired male cuts in, "nothing is broken, I'm okay, just be careful the next time you want to jump out of a closet like a crazy person."

The dark-haired male chuckles, inciting Felix to let out a little laugh as well. The first real smile Felix thinks he has ever had since he arrived here, and it's all because he was an idiot who rammed a door into someone.

"I am really sorry," Felix tells him again, he actually feels bad.

"I know, but you don't need to be," he responds, "you didn't know I was there, at least I don't think you did."

Felix smiles and lets out another little laugh, "I promise, I didn't know you were walking by."

"Good." he smiles back.

The slightly shorter male, rubs his shoulder, rolling it a few times to get a knot out, it aches for a little bit, but now he feels fine. He makes sure to assure the taller that he is fine and that he doesn't need to beat himself up for accidentally hurting someone.

"You're the new kid aren't you?" The shorter asks as the two boys walk towards the boy's dorms together. He can recognize him from one of his classes, though they aren't the same grade year, they are in the same magic school, so he has seen him around often.

Felix nods, feeling slightly awkward for having that fact pointed out.

"Fe-Felix, right?"

"Yeah, that's me."

"I'm Changbin."

Changbin has Felix walks him to his dorm room as a way to repay him for knocking him down earlier. Felix doesn't complain since he truly does feel bad and would do anything to make it up to the other. Though he does find it a bit odd that all the older wanted was to be accompanied to his room, but Felix doesn't question it.

"Anyway Felix, it was nice to meet you," Changbin tells him once they stop outside his dorm.

"Even if I did almost kill you?" Felix jokes, earning a chuckle from both of them.

The two say their goodbyes, Changbin waiting to enter his room until Felix has disappeared behind the corner of the hall. Both boys end their day with a smile plastered on their face, something Felix didn't think he'd ever experienced throughout his time here.


Word count: 2,085

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