Fiery Sparks

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What happens when an arrogant man used to having his money do work for him faces a woman who has no liking for his money nor any inclination to bend to his wishes?Further,when he comes to meet her in person,an onslaught of words and more importantly SPARKS occur?Totally cliché right?!

But thats what happens when blue blood billlionaire,Erik James demands on phone an appointment and expects the world at his feet is stunningly declined one by gynecologist Dr.Kelsey Night who five minutes ago had just had a messy encounter.

What happens when the sexy alpha male goes all nuts about it and gorgeous female just wants to kick him where the sun doesn't shine?Nothing more than misunderstandings,jealousy, passion, romance with a whole lot of cliché and of course SPARKS and COLLISION of feelings and opinions.

Guys,give my story a chance and stay tuned...:-)

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