"i can't staniel! my hair is my life!" he dramatically waved his arms in the air and stan smiled amused.

"trust me, you'll be fine. afterwords we can get mcdonald's" stan teased as richie threw his tantrum

"you owe me 20 chicken nuggets for this."

a jungle went off as they walked into the barber shop. it smelt nice and clean. it didn't reek of perfume like most shops. it was rather empty, a smaller building. you could see all four of the salon chairs on the back wall with big mirrors.

they stood at the front desk and stan tapped the bell. richie tapped it again three times before stan slapped his hand away.

a short man with neatly kept bleach blonde hair and tan skin appeared from a back room. he smiled up at stan sweetly.

"hey stanny! are you my one o'clock?" he asked as he got into a lap top and started typing

"actually, it's for my friend here" stan clapped richies back and richie smiled nervously.

it seemed to be the first time the boy noticed richie because he looked up and his eyes widened. then he smiled and held out his hand, "i'm eddie"

"richie tozier" richie said with a dopy smile on his face as he shook eddies small hand. up close he had millions of freckles across his cheeks and the bridge of his nose and pools of honey in his eyes. he was so cute.

"i've known eddie for awhile. we have a few courses together" stan informed as eddie typed away.

"and somehow he's never introduced me to any of his friends even though i set him up with billy" eddie gave stan a look making stan chuckle

"i'm shocked stan the man. keeping a cutie like this away from us?! fore-shame..."

eddie giggled and richie silently applauded himself. made the cutie laugh, nice.

"okay i'm leaving you with this asshole. have fun" stan waved goodbye to eddie and eddie closed the lap top.

"this way" he said and richie followed him to a chair in the back that want visible through the shops front windows. he sat in the chair and faced a large mirror. jesus he would of at least tried to look decent if he knew a cute ass dude was cutting his hair.

"let's see what i'm working with.." eddie gently pulled the scrunchie out of richies hair and his hair fell in all its curly glory. eddie had a faint smile on his lips and richie felt embarrassed for some reason.

"it's been awhile" he shrugged and eddie nodded.

"do you want a wash?" eddie asked, circling richie to stand in front of him

"uh... sure?" richie didn't really know what that meant but he'd follow eddie anywhere

eddie nodded and took richie back to a separate chair where he leaned his head back into a sink.

"so how do you know stan?" eddie asked curiously as he grabbed bottles.

"grew up together in a shitty little town." richie shrugged. "he said you knew him from classes? you go to the university?"

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