" Oh yeah?" He said in a deep voice, picking up in his arms then walking over towards the bed and gently tossed me onto it, " Then get ready for more!" He then got on top of me, as best he could, and started to tickle my side.

I was busting up with laughter and was trying to push him off, " B-BAAAABBBAA!! NO NO! THAT TIICKLESSSS! PLEASSSE NO MORE!" I yelled at him.

He chuckled at me then suddenly stopped, " Woah, you got a full bladder again? I was just tickling you." He told me.

I was confused and propped myself on my elbows catching my breath, " What do you-" I then felt the wetness trickle down my leg and a very strong kick to my stomach, much stronger than any other ones I have experienced before.

I whimpered and held onto my stomach in pain, " Baby! Are you ok!?" Baba asked me as he got off the bed to the side of me.

I was going to answer but it felt like 30 more intense kicks were being kicked left and right, up and down. I clenched on tightly to my stomach and didn't even notice I started to cry. I was in so much pain. What is this? Why does it hurt so much? I felt the puppy moving around and stretching itself out. It was kicking so hard that you saw it stretch my stomach completely out. What is happening!

Then it clicked. I looked up at Baba, tears streaming down my face in pain, holding onto my stomach, " B-baba it's coming!" I told him with all my strength, then slowly felt myself passing out.

" Andrew! ANDREW!?!?" I heard Baba yell before I was out.

Baba's P.O.V.

"Andrew! ANDREW!?!?" I screamed at my mate as he seem to pass out.

The puppy's coming! Shit shit shit! I took my mate in my arms, carrying him bride style rushing out the room. I could see the baby kicking out his stomach in all directions. I quickly and safely got down the stairs out the door. I can call everyone once I get to the hospital.

I ran out to the pack doctor as fast as I could, trying to get Andrew to wake up.

" Baby baby! Come on! Wake up for me!" I yelled to him, getting no response once so ever.

I busted into the hospital, scaring everyone that was here, " PLEASE PLEASE! THE LUNA IS GOING INTO LABOR!" I yelled out.

One of the nurse's quickly walked over with a wheelchair, " Here, set him here." She told me calmly.

I did as told and as soon as I did, Andrew had seemed to have woken up, " H-huh? Where am I-" He started to say, being cut off but him whimpering in pain, " O-ooowww! Fuck! Get this thing out of me!" Andrew said in pain, panting hard.

I ran by the nurse's side as she wheeled him into a room. I then took the time to mind link everyone. Everyone being, Andrew's family, My family, Nick, Jake, Robinson, Angel, Blake and Theo. Telling them that today was the day and he was going into labor.

" Alpha sir, can you please set the Luna gently down on the bed?" She asked me politely, as she and another nurse seem to quickly get everything ready.

" Yes yes of course." I picked up a panting, whimpering, looking in lots of pain Andrew in me arms and gently set him on the bed, " Shhh shh Andrew breathe, I'm right." I told him quietly and calmly, even though on the inside I was freaking out.

I gave him a small peck on the nose as I took his hand in mine, " B-baba I'm scared.." He said whimpering, seeming like his pain has calmed down a little.

I gently took my free hand and moved some of his hair out of his face, " Your doing great my love. Just breathe for me."

He nodded then screamed out in pain clutching onto my hand so hard, I thought he broke it, " OOOOOWWWWW! FUCCCKKK!!!!" He yelled out, crying lots.

My Little Omega MateWhere stories live. Discover now