Ponyboy's crush on you

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-He would write you small anonymous letters everyday and watch you open them.

-He would smile at you all the time and talk to you when he had the chance.

-He would always find times to be alone with you.

-He talks about you to Sodapop

-Sodapop tells him to make a move but Ponyboy is too scared.

-Pony often flirts with you. (Throwing his arm around your shoulder)

-He is always there when something is wrong.

-Him and Johnny are always talking about you.

-He once baked you a cupcake and gave it to you.

-You always catch him staring at you.

-When he's been caught, he blushes mad crazy.

-He always makes you blush because he likes it.

-He reads to you a lot.

-Darry is often asking you to come over for dinner but Pony is embarrassed.

-He draws pictures of you.

-He writes poems about you.

-When he tried to make a move, he messes it up but you think it's cute.

-He always finds an excuse to be near you.

-"Hey Ponyboy."

-"Hey Y/N"

-"Wanna be my partner for this project?"

- *chokes on water* "Oh yeah sure Y/N."

-Him often getting jelous when you talk to other guys.

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