Little Boo Boo (pt1???)

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an: aight yall,,just did my last exam and im done with school for this year skdksk


Jungkook was nervous.

He shouldn't be- he literally just asked him to come in front of him. It's simple. But still- almost every social action made Jungkook nervous and the fact that this man right here was staring into his soul didn't help because he probably didn't mean it and his eyes were probably always this intense and-



"I told you to come here"

"Oh, sorry-"

The boy clumsily sat up, almost knocking a chair down (good job) on his way as he scurried infront of Mr.Mins desk. The said male chuckled, the boys nervousness obvious and his now pink cheeks proving it more. "no need to be nervous jungkook, i don't bite" he said in an almost amused.

Jungkooks lips parted, nothing really coming out as he just nodded silently. The teacher cleared his throat and leaned back on his chair. "Okay, i just have a few boxes to bring from my car and that'll be all. sounds good?" he informed and jungkook bobbed his head in agreement.

Yoongi hummed, himself getting up and making his way out of the classroom. Jungkook snaps out of his other weird trance, quickly walking to catch up the older.

He got to look at him and he wasn't super tall- nor short. Maybe like 0,738238923993 mms taller than him. Not really he was pretty tall, jungkook just tried to keep his pride. He was obviously broader though. And why was he staring at his teacher again? "Okay, were here" he informs, taking out his car keys and unlocking it.

What the hell? Does he work for the gouvernement as a second job or something?

The boy just dumbly nodded, waiting for Yoongi to open the trunk of the car. He wasn't exactly sure why he was doing this, nor why he even agreed when Yugyeom suddenly pushed him into this. Yes his teacher was attractive but he wouldn't have a crush on him- thats crazy and he wouldn't catch feelings so quickly or easily. "I'll handle the heavy boxes, for now just take the normal ones and the bags too" said teacher instructed and Jungkook just listened.

He wasn't being rude- he just didn't know what to say. The boxes were heavy, and he just focused on balancing the weight on his feet as he walked back and forth from the car to the classroom. He didn't know what to say- or if he was supposed to even say anything.

For god's sake he was still a teacher and you dont go walking around and having friendly chats with people having more authority over you where the relationship is supposed to be strictly professional. Well, in Jungkook's shy, introverted book that is. He respected people who could actually do that.

The student is too lost in his train of thought, reaching for a heavy, thin plastic bag and placing under his hand for support as he lifted it up.

That was a mistake.

The bag is on the floor and Jungkook is wincing as he holds his bleeding hand. Something- an instrument or anything sharp must've pierced the bag where he lifted it up, cutting his hand along the way.

Thankfully Yoongi is there just in time and his eyes widen slightly. He hurries towards the boy and his immediately taking out a sort of handkerchief and pressing it gently on the males hand. Jungkook lets out a tiny noise of protest but it can't be helped.

"god did this happen?" He asked, frowning slightly as he glances at the boy.

"i-i dont know i just picked up the bag-"

Yoongi sighed "okay..let's bring you to the nurses office okay?" He said softly, hand still so gently holding his to keep the pressure on his wound and Jungkooks mind goes blank for a second.


"good boy"


a/n:hh i might continue this chapter (probably will) by adding a second part or just editing the new part here but i still wanted to give you this so yAy hope you liked it uwu.


A New Start | YoonkookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora