Leah-How I feel about you

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"See that fruit up there? It sure does look good doesn't it. However, I'm too small to reach it." Y/N thought for a moment before they got an idea. Sneaking up behind Leah, Y/N grabbed her from behind and put her on their shoulders.

Leah was shocked at the action but quickly relaxed as she grabbed the fruit from the tree.

"Got it!" She exclaimed. Leah was lowered from Y/N's shoulders and was held in their strong arms. Leah broke the fruit in half and offered a piece.

"Try some!" Y/N gladly ate the piece and they shared a moment of happiness together. Leah face then went completely red.

"U-Um...Y/N?" Leah said.

"Yeah? O-Oh shoot, right, sorry." Y/N placed Leah back on the ground, with an awkward silence briefly filling the air. Leah then spoke up.

"So...you have anything going on tomorrow?"

"Not particularly, why?"

"I have something I want to do tomorrow, but I can't do it with you." Leah held her hands together and blushed.

"So will you help me?"

"YES!!" Y/N yelled out. They quickly pulled themselves together.

"I mean...of course I can! Where should we meet?"

"Right here in the forest, beside the pond. You better not be late!" Leah then ran off back to her house. Y/N watched her go before almost passing out. She wanted Y/N help? With what and why? Y/N didn't care, because they were gonna spend some time with Leah!

Y/N fist pumped, before walking back to the farm with a spring in their step. What did Leah have planned?

     The next day came sooner than Y/N had planned. They did everything They could to make them look presentable. The only clothes they had were now slightly stained with goat dookie. Luckily, Emily made Y/N a nice set of clothes. The outfit was made up of a blue letterman jacket and a pair of brown jeans.

     Y/N made their way to the meeting spot without delay. This was the perfect opportunity to confess their feeling for Leah. When Y/N got to the meeting place however, they saw something they didn't expect.

     There was a table placed on the side of the pond, with what looked like a candle lit dinner, which consisted of two salads. Leah has her normal clothes on, put had a blue rose flower tucked behind her ear. Y/N thought she looked like a goddess.

     "Hey, you made it!" She said.

     "What's all this Leah?" Y/N asked.

     "Well...I wanted to thank you." Leah stepped closer to Y/N, which made them blush harder than a geisha in makeup.

     "Without you, I never would of had the idea of an art show. My work wouldn't have gotten recognized and I never would have met such a great person." Y/N mind was doing backflips. There's no going back now, tell her already Y/N! Y/N took Leah's hands into theirs and spoke up.


     "Woah what? Slow down!" Y/N took a deep breath and spoke in a more clear tone.

     "Leah, I really really like you. I don't know what it is but you make me crazy! And I hope that you'll accept me despite my clumsiness." Leah stood silent, her face was flushed pure read.

     "Geez Y/N, it's about time!" Y/N face lit up.

     "I thought you'd never ask!" Y/N instinctively scooped Leah in their arms and hugged her tightly. Leah returned the hug, both giggling with smiles on their faces. Y/N placed her back on the ground with their foreheads touching. They leaned in for a kiss when...

     "Well well well, what do we have here?" They pulled back from each other to see where the voice came from. A figure came marching towards them.

     "Kel?!" Leah was in surprise, and so was Y/N. Kel? Like, ex boyfriend Kel?

"What are you doing here?" Leah asked.

"You didn't see me at the art show? I'm here to convince you to come back with me. I miss you babe." Kel had a smirk that made Y/N sick.

"You never supported my artwork, and now that I have some success you want me back? You make me sick!" Leah turned and backed away from Kel, which he wasn't too happy about.

"Hey come back here! Don't walk away from me!"

"I can't do whatever I want! You don't own me!" Kel quickly went after her and grabbed her wrist, which caused Y/N to act on instinct. Y/N pulled him away from her and put Y/N hand on his shoulder, causing Leah's attention to turn towards them.

"Hey, Gary Oak!" Kel turned towards Y/N.

"Outa the way you simple minded bumpkin!" Kel was then introduced to Y/Ns fist. Kel staggered backwards to the ground.

"Oh my yoba!" Leah walked over towards Kel.

"Yup, he's knocked out hard." Leah turned towards Y/N, who was holding their fist. The punch hurt their hand.

"Come on Y/N, lets go." Leah and Y/N walked away from the scene. They ended up in walking to a secluded spot, which was hidden by some bushes and small trees. They sat down and Leah tended to Y/Ns hand.

"Maybe we should've pick a secluded spot from the beginning..." Leah took Y/Ns hand and kissed their knuckles. Y/N was surprised by the gesture but didn't exaggerate like they always did.

"Sorry Leah, he just really got under my skin.

"Trust me, if you didn't do it I would have. No one insults my lover and gets away with it!" Y/N chuckled and pulled Leah onto their lap, with Leah's legs hanging off to the side.

"Now Leah, where were we?" Leah smiled and lightly grabbed Y/Ns collar.

" I think I remember." They finally shared their kiss that they both wanted for so long. This moment wouldn't be forgotten any time soon.


Wow, this one was fun to write! I try to keep these stories as gender neutral as I can, which is why I refer Y/N as them or they.

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