Chapter 11 "Interogation"

Start from the beginning

Haga: *yells from the basement* Okay! Goodbye Aoba! Stay safe!

Koujaku: On my way. *he hangs up and heads to the address as well*

~Back to you~

You cough and pant heavily as you're given your inhaler again. Tears stained your cheeks as you were getting weak. You were ready to give up.

You: Please.. I beg of you.. *pant* No more..

Man: Then tell the boss what he wants to know sweetheart and this will all end.

You grit your teeth a bit. You wanted this torment to end. Before you can answer you feel hands begin to scribble at your feet again. You squeal loudly again and thrash around again.


The men nod and pull away. One goes to get Mink while another gets your blindfold off. You squint and blink a couple of times as your eyes readjust to the lighting in the room. You finally catch your breath and Mink arrives. He pulls up a chair and sits in front of you.

Mink: Not so tough now brat.

You glare at him and stay quiet.

Mink: Ready to answer my questions?

You hesitate a bit, were you really going to sellout Aoba like that. You try thinking of a plan before tensing up and shrieking as you feel a finger go up and down your left sole. You giggle and look to see it was Mink stroking his finger up and down your foot.

Mink: Well?

You: Yehehes! I'll answer thehehem!

Mink: *pulls his finger away* Where is Aoba?

You: He's at the shopping district buying parts. *you lied*

Mink: Are you with Ruff Rabbit?

You: No. 

Mink: Then explain the allmate.

You: The what?

Mink: Don't play dumb with me brat.

You: I'm not! 

Mink: *holds the cube Noiz gave you* This is an allmate.

You: That's a cube. *poker face*

Mink: *growls* Still playing dumb?

You: I'm not! I swear!

Mink: *stands up* Teach her a lesson.

You: *gulps* W-Wait! No! Not again!! I can't take anymore!

The men get closer before the door is kicked wide open. You turn to see who it is as you sigh in relief. Mink glares as he looks at the person at the door.

You: Koujaku!!

Koujaku glares at the men. Mink glares at Koujaku. Koujaku glares at Mink. Just as their showdown begins Koujaku charges towards them. Now fighting Scratch members as you squirm in your restraints. Noiz runs in with his crew. They all join Koujaku in the fight, backing him up as Noiz runs towards you. He quickly unties you as he checks you for injuries. Once you're free you immediately put your socks and shoes back on. Once they're on, Noiz picks you up bridal style. You don't care at this point, you hug Noiz tightly and bury your face on the crook of his neck. Noiz blinks and blushes lightly but quickly shakes it off as he glares at Mink. Mink glares back before calling off his men.

Mink: That's enough. Let's go. *tosses Noiz his cube and your inhaler*

Noiz: *catches them both with one hand* What did you do to her? *puts them in his pocket*

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