Chapter 11 "Interogation"

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Authors  Note: Hey Guys! Here we go! I can't believe that I'm updating this soon. I think I found my mojo for this fanfic again. Let's see how long this mojo lasts. I don't really have anything else to say in the Authors Note for now. But anyways! Onward with the fanfic! I do not own any of the Dmmd Characters! I wish I did <3!

Mink: Tickle her until she talks. *hands someone your inhaler* Give her this if she has an asthma attack. She'll crack soon, and when she does, call me. *leaves the room*

You: W-Wait! NO! NO DX! Anything but tickling!! *squirms*

The men nod and crack their knuckles. They each take turns tickling your feet, using different tools. You thrash around in your chair laughing loudly as you shake your head side to side. One man uses a hairbrush on your left foot while another uses feathers on your right. Tears roll down your cheeks from laughing so hard.


One man laughs as he watches you struggle. 

Man: Mink was right, You're already begging.

The men stop to let you catch your breath as the man holding your inhaler places it in your mouth and pumps it twice. You breathe in the medicine as you cough and pant heavily. You rest your head back in defeat as you regain your breath slowly. Just as you were regaining your breath you feel something cold on your feet. Something cold, wet and slimy. You then realize what it is.

You: Not the baby oil!! DX Please no! *squirms in the ropes and chair* Nonononononono!!!

They begin to scribble their fingers up and down your feet while one man sneaks up behind you, now tickling your sides. You shriek loudly again as you were caught off guard. You couldn't take it anymore. Your curl your toes to provide little protection but they would pull your toes back and tickle them individually. It drove you mad.



Aoba sighs a bit as he just finished dealing with the customers and with the three annoying kids. He looks at the time and gets worried that you aren't back yet.

Aoba: I knew I shouldn't have sent her alone. *sighs*

Ren: *peaks out from Aoba's bag* Maybe she's on her way back already?

Aoba: Maybe. I just can't help but worry, she doesn't know her way around.

Ren: That is true. But she does have the coil Noiz gave her.

Aoba: That's right! I can just ask Noiz to track it for me to see if she's okay! That'll put my mind at ease! *calls Noiz on the coil*

Noiz: *answers from his apartment* What do you want?

Aoba: Noiz. Could you track (Y/n)'s coil for me? She went out to deliver a package for me while I stayed to tend to the customers.

Noiz: You what? Aoba. She doesn't know her way around. What if Morphine got her? *pulls out holographic computer*

Aoba: Yeah I know. But I couldn't leave her in the store alone while I delivered the package. And the package was to be delivered asap.

Noiz: Got her. She's in Scratch territory. Been there for a while. I'll meet you there. *hangs up and sends Aoba the address* I hope I'm not too late. *leaves his apartment and runs to your location*

Aoba: This is bad... *calls Koujaku*

Koujaku: *answers* Hello? Aoba? What's up?

Aoba: Koujaku! I don't have time to explain. I think (Y/n) is in trouble! I'm sending you the address now! *sends the address and grabs his bag* Haga! I have to go, I think (Y/n) ran into some Ribsteez!  I'll see you tomorrow! *runs out*

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