Chapter 5 "Stories Behind the Scars"

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Authors note: xD Hey guys and JJ! Dx stahp doing that! Bsjsbsksjej I fangirled so hard reading your damn comment!!! I did a half squeak!! Smh! Anywhore!! Here's chapter 5 since <////< Noiz and.... Yeah... Okay! I do not own any of the Dmmd characters! I wish I did!! *-* I really do 😍😍😍😍😍

After a few hours of napping you begin to slowly stir awake. Your eyes slowly beginning to open as you nuzzle closer into Noiz's chest, thinking he's a pillow. You then blush a light shade of pink realizing it's Noiz's chest you're nuzzling into. Noiz however was still asleep, breathing softly. You attempt to pull away from him but he has a strong grip. You sigh and begin poking his cheek as you think.

Your thoughts: 'It's been so long since I've been hugged..... I started to wonder if I deserved this warm embrace..... And who was that figure in my dream?... Oh well, might as wake Noiz up...'

You: Oi... Wake up... *poking his cheek repeatedly*

Noiz stirs slightly and pulls you closer. You blush a bit darker and squirm slightly.

You: Bitch!!! Wake yo ass up!!! *shakes him*

Noiz slowly begins stirring awake as he opens his eyes sleepily. He looks down at you and gives a slight smirk as he sees your blush. You however keep trying to push him off.

You: Get off!! D////X

Noiz: No...

You: Please!?

Noiz: hm.... No...

You: You asked for it! *with all your force you attempt to push him off* Haha-- WAH!?

As you attempt to push him off he keeps a tight grip on you and you both fall off the couch. Noiz lands on the floor with his back and you land on top of him. You blush even darker at the position you're in. You then tilt your head since he didn't even flinch or wince at the fall. Your eyes widen, believing he hit his head too hard.

You: Noiz are you okay!? I'm sorry DX!!

Noiz: I'm fine...

You: You sure?! I think you hit you're head too hard! That was a big fall!

Noiz: No... I'm fine...

You: But, you're not in pain! Didn't it hurt!?

Noiz: *sighs and slowly sits up* No matter what, it doesn't hurt. I can't feel pain. *lets you go*

You: *rolls off his lap* You mean, you can't feel anything at all?

Noiz: *shakes his head* I can feel when someone touches me. But that's it....

You: That. Is. Awesome!

Noiz: It's not... It makes me a freak... I never felt pain...

You: Dude! You are no freak! Feeling no pain is like a super power! Hell I wish I couldn't feel pain... Both physically and mentally... *you mumble the last sentence*

Noiz: It's a curse...

You: It can't be that bad!

Noiz: I can't feel anything! Understand that! *rolls up his sleeves and unwraps his bandages* See! I couldn't feel this!

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