Chapter 2 "Aoba Seregaki and Noiz"

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Authors note: Okay so I wrote my chapters for my fanfics and wattpad decided to not save them so I have to rewrite them! Again!!! Ugh! Anyways here I go again rewriting these chapters *sighs* I do not own any of the Dmmd characters. I wish I did XDD *-* especially Noiz... So hawt! Ahem!

You groan and wince as you try to avoid the sunlight shining on your face. You sit up slowly, wincing during the process as you look around.

You: Where.... They must have taken me to their place... *you see your bag on the floor next to Lobo who was sleeping* hm..

You reach for the bag and pull out a bottle of pain killers. As you take them out you stand up and look for the kitchen, which wasn't hard to find. You limp your way to the the kitchen and serve yourself a cup of water. Two pills lay in your hands and you put them in you mouth, drinking the water to help them go down your throat. Once you finish drinking the water, you close the bottle of pills and wash your cup along with a few dirty dishes in the sink. As you wash Aoba walks in the kitchen, yawning during the process.

Aoba: Morning... *yawning*

You: ..... Morning... Um... Thanks for helping me

Aoba: Don't thank me, your dog allmate was the one who warned us.

You: Allmate?... What's an allmate?

Aoba: Oh dear... Do you know who you are?

You: Yeah, why wouldn't I?

Aoba: You were hurt pretty badly. What's your name?

You: Tell me your name first. *narrows eyes a bit*

Aoba: I'm Aoba Seregaki, nice to meet you.

You: (y/n)... (Y/n) (l/n)...

Aoba: Awesome name! *smiles*

You: I guess... *shrugs*

Aoba: Thanks for washing the dishes, I was going to do them today. *laughs a bit* Looks like you beat me to it.

You: You don't need to thank me... Anyways, I should go... *you put the bottle in your pocket and limp to the living room* Lobo let's go.

Aoba: Wait, you're still hurt!

You: I can manage. *you pick up your heavy backpack* Lobo come on.

Lobo gets up and walks towards the door as you limp your way. Aoba tries his best to persuade you to stay but you kept limping. As you open the door Noiz appears in front of you, getting ready to knock. You stare into his eyed as he stares back.

You: Excuse me... I have to go.

Noiz: You're hurt....

You: I'm fine, now please move.

Noiz: hm.. *picks you up bridal style* no... *carries you back to the living room*

You: What the!? Oi! Put me down!! *you squirm and wince a bit*

Noiz: Girls shouldn't be rowdy.... *kissed your cheek* Guys don't like rowdy girls...

You: *blushing bright pink* Y-you... BAKA!!

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