Butterflies Everywhere

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She proceeds to the train station still nervous, not knowing how she is going to get through the day, without breaking into pieces. Completely drowned into her thoughts, she jumps at the sound of her name,' Samantha', she spots her friend Iris.

Brought back to real life, she starts to compose herself. Still screaming her name Iris approaches her. She is mad because they were late which was funny because she was the one who was late this time. Iris continues to drag on about school and stuff happening with other people as they get in the train but Samantha is dragged back into her thoughts about him. She is so lost in her thoughts that's she forgets her surroundings or her destination. She is barely there until Iris shakes her by her hand to tell her that they have to go.

Iris still going on, with Samantha pretending to listen, they walk to the library. The library was a place where Sam and her friends were supposed to study but most of the time ended up procrastinating. Just as they went in, and found their place, she rushes to the washroom. She reminds herself that she needs to be happy, she needs to be normal before anyone notices because she can't bear to share her heartbreak with anyone because the for her the people who knew, knew and she couldn't do anything about it, but she can stop herself now! 'deep breath, deep breath', she reminds herself and rushes out of there before she has a chance to break down. Just as she goes out, Iris and she are joined by another friend of theirs Aviana.

She tries to calm down and even though she knew she had time till she met her friend after 5 years and till she faced him. She's met him in the past few days after the whole incident but she could easily ignore him because the interaction wasn't the goal but today it is all about that and if she ignores him today, she knows everyone will find out. Stick in the middle of excitement and nausea, she figures maths isn't helping but she was so busy trying to distract herself that she didn't realise the time that had passed. She decides to find a book to distract her instead, so she gets up pulls on her sweater and looks around.

Aviana follows her, she might not know the truth but she knew Samantha so well that she almost figured something was wrong. Iris follows! Samantha looks around for a while until she sets her eyes on something nice. She settles down on the floor to check it out, moments before she sees them, before she sees him, laughing and his eyes....she falls in love with him all over again...and the same butterflies in her stomach... just like the first time she saw him...right into his eyes....the same brown eyes that meet hers!

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