1: Confidence

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Author note: Hey guys! Please comment and tell me what you think about this chapter. If any mistakes, please correct me in the comments if you dont mind, thanks barbz!😇

I can feel the wet sensation beginning to drip down my crotch as he rubs my thigh getting closer and closer to my inner-

I met derek 5 months ago when he had just moved in to the house  right next to mine. Every morning at 8:00am when i leave my house to go to school he's always out on his front porch yelling "goodmorning ms. Jackson", i would look at him sometimes and give him a smirk or a wave.

We went to the same school and he would always try to talk to me but i was either to scared or busy to talk to him.

"Lisa! Lisa!" Latavia yelled

"Shit..uh what page are we on?"  I said coming out of my thoughts.

Latavia gave me a blank stare and then started to bust out laughing. "Bitch whats funny?" I whispered, "You" she said. I shook my head then looked back. I can feel dereks warm brown eyes glazing down my slim plump body from behind my seat. I quickly looked back pretending to look at the clock as my instincts were right, he was staring me down!.

The bell rings and i quickly gather all my books to put in my bag as i feel someone tap my back which i thought was latavias annoying ass.

"Girl if you dont give me a break--" i yelled.

I looked up and it was Derek.

"Oh my bad, uh.. i thought you were latavia" i said.

"Nah, but do you need a ride afterschool? Its pretty cold out there, hate to see you walking in that weather."

I stared straight into his eyes and said "sure why not?"

After that encounter with derek as soon as i left the classroom i automatically search for latavia, usually she is the gossip teller but girlll-- do i have a butterfly down my throat or what.

Its last period and i feel very anxious. What am i gonna do or what are we gonna talk about? I cant believe i even agree'd too get in his car with him, Where did that confidence come from?

I pressed pause and took out my left ear phone hearing the school bell which means its time to go home. I dont know what class derek is in last period nor where his car is.

"Lisa!" A very smooth calm collected voice yelled

I look back and its derek. Right on time, i was trying to figure out if i should just take the bus or walk home and make up a dumb excuse the next day to why i didnt come.

"What are you waiting for lets go! we have to stop by my place though, i wanna show you something" he said

His house is right beside mine so i had nothing to really worry about...

Author note: Hey guys! Please comment and tell me what you think about this chapter. If any mistakes, please correct me in the comments if you dont mind, thanks barbz!😇


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2019 ⏰

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