Chapter 6

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During that same night, Marco and Toffee were formulating a scheme to take over the castle

"Okay Toffee, what's the plan?" Marco was grinning and anxiously waiting for what he had to say

"Easy Diaz. I need you to grab the wand for this to work."

"Why? And why do I have to do it?"

"Firstly, I can't be seen at the castle. They'll instantly catch me. You can easily sneak by and no one will question. Secondly, we have to hit them where it hurts. We'll be unstoppable with that kind of power." Marco sighed. He knew Toffee was right. After all, he is the master planner

"Alright, I'll head towards the castle and steal the wand." He grabbed a black cloak and draped it over himself. He started walking towards the castle


When Marco arrived at the castle, there were two guards standing outside. He decided to hide and sneak to the back. He crawled behind some bushes and made his way to Star's window. The lights were off so she must be asleep

He climbed up the wall and went through the window. He found the princess laying on her side, sound asleep in her bed. He spotted the wand on her nightstand. Marco carefully tiptoed towards the wand

He grabbed the wand. Marco was about to leave but he couldn't help but stare at the princess. For a second,  he forgot what he was doing. He was having second thoughts but then he remembered what happened

Marco smiled menacingly and gently threaded his hand through her hair. He then whispered in her ear

"You have no idea what's coming for you." Unfortunately that stirred the princess awake. Marco panicked and quickly jumped back out the window. By the time Star sat up, he was gone. She shrugged it off and went back to sleep

Marco ran back to Toffee with the wand in his hand

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