Bonus Ch Two

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Yoongi's POV
I can't believe Julia moved I hope she is safe. I wake up and see that my beautiful wife wasn't in bed I looked around and saw the balcony door open. I got out of bed and went to check it and saw the most beautiful girl in my life leaning on the rail. I walked up to her and hugged her. She turned around and leaned in and I did the same and we shared a kiss. Then we decided to go out to get breakfast. We arrived and saw Jungkook there with a girl. I was shocked to see that but the girl walked away annoyed. Then he turned aroubd and saw us and he walked over. "Hey guys", he said. "Hey", said Y/N. "Who was that girl", I asked. "Oh her she just another girl who want to ask me out on a date but I said no",he said. I smiled and asked "Have you texted Julia". He nodded and said "She said she having a great time but she missed us", said Jungkook. I look at Y/N and she was smiling which I'm happy for.
3 years later...
Anabelle's POV
Today is Y/N's birthday well until midnight and I'm really excited for her. We spent the whole day on her birthday party. At midnight we are going to surprise her. I was hoping Julia could make it but she said that she's busy and won't be able to make it. Which I'm sad for but she will call us at midnight. "Baby where is Jin with the cake", I asked Namjoon. Namjoon just shrugged and said "I dont know he should've been here for the past 10 minutes". I sighed then asked Namjoon to call Jin and then I went to go check on Jade and Jimin. They were both setting up the tables. Jimin put the last flower then said "Done". Both smiled happy about their work. I heard a knock on the door and went to go check who it is and finally Jin arrived with the cake. He place the cake on the table everything was ready all we need now is Yoongi and Y/N but they're on a date and won't come back til 11:50. So we decided to use the time to double check everything.
Tomorrow was my birthday and Yoongi wanted to spent the whole day out since he has to work tomorrow. I honestly wanted to stay home but Yoongi wanted to spent the day out. I couldn't argue with him so I agree. We went to the beach and went to the area where he propose. I still have to memory of this place. Also this morning Julia texted me a happy birthday text message. Which I was super happy for. We walked along the shore of the sand and I got a really evil idea. I looked over to Yoongi and he was distracted by the sky so I took the opportunity to push him into the ocean. He was soaking wet and then looked over to me. "What?" I said incooently. He smirked and pulled me into the water. "Hey!" I said. I came up for air then looked at Yoongi. He was laughing and I pouted. He laughed and kiss me on the lips and I giggled. We head back to the car and he gave me his jacket and then I hugged him and he just laughed then hugged me. Then he said "How about we go go out for lunch?" I nodded and we went to this restaurant that I use to go to with the girls before Julia moved. We arrived and I felt the memories coming to me. I smiled but also get a little teary. Yoongi noticed and hugged my shoulders and whispered to me "Hey don't cry I don't think Julia wants you to cry on your birthday so be happy for her." I looked him and smiled. We ordered our food and ate the food and then spent some time walking by the stores.
2 hours later...
I looked at the time it was 11:40. I looked at Yoongi and I lay my head on his shoulder he chuckles then we headed toward the car and we headed home. I was trying my  hards not to fall asleep. The I felt a hand on my head and I looked and saw Yoongi. I smiled and I closed my eyes and sleep.
10 minutes later...
I woke up not that tried anymore. I looked at the time and it was 11:59.We got home and I then Yoongi opened the door and I switch the light then I hear "Happy birthday Y/N!". I was shock and saw the others there, I smiled and went to hug them all. "How long have you guys been here?" I asked. Jade laughed and said "Literally 2 hours." I smiled then I heard a knock at the door and Yoongi went to go answer the door and it was my parents. I smiled and hugged both of them. My mom took my hands and said "Your Dad and I have a surprise for you all." We looked at her confused. She giggled then said "Close you guy's eyes." We all closed our eyes. Then I heard my parents doing something. "Mom can I open my eyes now", I asked. "Yeah now you can", said a voice. I froze then opened my eyes and saw Julia. I looked around and saw the other in shock too. Then Julia said "What you guys didn't miss me". I started to cry and I ran to her and hugged her so tight. She laughed and hugged me back. I let her go then a figure zoom right pass me then I looked and see Jungkook. Hugging Julia so tightly that I think he could literally squeeze the life out of her. She giggled then said "Baby I can't breathe". Jungkook let her go then she came to Jade and Anabelle. After that we
Sat down at in the living room. "So what happen to you, you look a different", Jade said. "We'll when I moved I found out that my father was promoted to be a boss at this fashion clothing shop", She said. "And I was asked if I could model those clothes, I was given a choice if I wanted to or not but my dad said that I will do it with out me knowing so yeah", Julia said. "So are you going back?", Jungkook said. Julia nodded and that made us feel sad. "Yeah I need go back to get my items because I'm moving back", she said. I looked at in shocked so did everyone else. We all ran to her and hugged her.

Jungkook's POV

I felt like I was dreaming and if I am don't wake me up. We spent the next 2 hours catching up on stuff then we went to sleep, I went to sleep with Julia in my arms. 

Next morning...

I woke to no Julia in my arms, I sighed I guess it was dream then all of a sudden I heard some thing drop in the kitchen. "Anabelle!" said a voice I recognize. I got up so did the guys. "What is going on in here", said Namjoon. "Oh we were trying to make breakfast, we finished but Anabelle doesn't know to control her arms", said Y/N. "Ok I'm sorry", Anabelle said. We all laughed at the girls yelling at each other. I walked over to Julia and pecked her on her cheek. She giggled then grabbed the plates and started to set them at the table. "How about we argue about this later right now lets eat", she said. We all nodded and sat down to eat. While we were eating Julia got a call. Oh no I don't want her to leave. She left to answer the call and I got nervous then Yoongi placed his hand and I looked at him and he gave me his gummy smile. I smiled back. Julia came back and then she said, "I won't leave because my dad is sending my thing here so yeah". I smiled at her a placed a kiss on her lips. "Gross get a room", said J-hope. "Oh shut up we all know that you would make out with someone right in front of us", said Yoongi. That cause J-hope to turned 10 shades of red, we all laughed at Yoongi comment. 

Later that night...


I'm really thankful that Julia is back and I went outside on the balcony, leaning on the railing and looked back out at the stars.  While I was looking at the stars I felt a pair of strong arms around my waist. I looked and see the man I grew to love more and more was giving me a bear hug. "hmm what are you thinking about", I asked. He looked at me then turned me around so I can face him and cupped my cheek. I leaned into his touch and looked back up at him. "Wondering how did I get so lucky", he said. That comment made me blush then I rolled my eyes and playfully hit him on her chest. "God you're so cheesy," I said while still blushing. "But I still love you even with your cheesiness", I said. He chuckled and leaned down kissing me. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck. For the rest of the night we spent looking at the stars before we headed to bed. I really thankful for everything that happen to me in my life because if nun of this would have happen. I get to spend the rest of my time with Yoongi who will love me, care, and protect me for the rest of our life and I wouldn't have it any other way.
💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 Hey guys sorry guys I haven't have to inspiration to write any chapters but now I do anyway thanks again on the support on my stories and I know this chapter in cheesy but hey whatever I hope you just enjoy and in the future I will write more mini bonus chapter so yeah love you guys

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