Chapter 8

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Ivye's POV

i slowly woke up from my sleep, but i was too lazy to open my eyes. i laid there with my eyes closed until i heard whispering and voices saying "awwww!" really loud. more angry whispers followed and i decided to open my eyes.

the gang was standing there looking at me and johnny asleep. johnny must have woken up too as he sat up and looked around. "huh?"

"sorry, its just you two looked so cute, me and steve here couldn't resist." two bit said. i looked over and saw johnny's arm wrapped around me, and once he realized that i realized, he quickly moved it away.

i rubbed my eyes wearily and put my face in the pillow while mumbling "i hate you guys. y'all suck."

"you swallow." steve joked. laughs and "ewws!" came from the gang, and i couldn't help but laugh at that joke.

"well, im sorry to break the moment here, but ivye, i signed you up for school and you start in two days." darry stated.

i thought i was still delirious from just waking up, so i just said "hm?" thinking i was just imagining it.

"you start school in two days." darry repeated.

this time i knew i wasn't imagining it. i flung my head out from the pillow and said "really?"

he nodded sadly as i muttered "you have got to be kidding me."

"hey, it wont be so bad. you'll still have me, two bit, and johnny there to help you out." pony said.

"oh, joy." i said sarcastically. i stood up from the couch and went into the kitchen for breakfast with the gang.

"so, ivye. at your old school, were you smart?" pony asked while shoving bacon in his mouth.

"i mean, considering i didn't have much money and i was a girl, yeah." i replied back.

"then you'll probably be in my classes." pony winked at me and i rolled my eyes and laughed at him in response.

time skip

its been a week and a half since i've arrived at the curtis house, along with my first day at will rogers high school. i put on a black fuzzy sweater and ripped, skinny blue jeans and my converse. i braided my wavy hair into two french braids at the top, and it connected into a ponytail at the end.

i walked to school with johnny, two bit, and pony. johnny was a sophmore, me and pony were freshmens, and two bit was still a junior. as we were walking, i compared classes with them.

i had all of my classes with pony except study hall at the beginning of the day, but it was fine because johnny and two bit were in that class. i also had english with johnny and PE with pony.

"looks like you're stuck with me for most of your classes." ponyboy smiled at me as i replied back sarcastically "lucky me." honestly, i was overjoyed i had pony in most of my classes. it means i wont be alone, but im too stubborn to admit that to anyone.

i thought i was dressed up for being a greaser and all. but compared to those socs man, they were the exact definition of dressed up. skirts, curly hair, makeup, nails, you name it.

i had to stop by the office to get my locker number and combination and i convinced johnny to come with me to get it.

"are you miss ivye curtis?" the lady behind the desk asked.

"yep, thats me." i said back.

"well, i just want to say that i know all three of your brothers and they are just so great. sodapop maybe not so much, but darrel and ponyboy were great. i hope you are the same way." the lady said, handing me a piece of paper with my combination and number.

"oh don't worry ms. lyon, she is." johnny exclaimed. i discreetly kicked him in the shin as he gripped his leg in pain. "thank you ms. lyon, i better get to class now." i said as i walked away with johnny hobbling behind me.

"dude, what was that for!" johnny said to me.

i shrugged. "i felt like it." johnny laughed at me as i headed to my locker and johnny headed to his. my locker was far away from any of the classes since i had to get an extra one. i quickly unpacked my stuff and headed to my first class with johnny and two bit. it wasn't really a class though, just a period to catch up on your work that you missed, and boy did two bit have a lot of it.

"hey kicker." two bit said to me.

"why is my name kicker?" i asked him.

"johnny here told me how you kicked him." he replied back. i nodded my head and turned to the teacher.

"class, we have a new student named ivye. please give her a warm welcome!"

slow claps filled the room as i hung my head down. two bit was being extra dramatic with the claps and clapping in my ear.

"ivye, why don't you come up here and tell the class all about you!" the teacher asked. my eyes went wide as i quickly shook my head. the teacher motioned for me to stand up as two bit tipped my chair over, forcing me to stand. i slowly walked to the front of the classroom and saw buttloads of socs glaring at me devilishly.

hey guys! i don't have much to say about this chapter, but don't forget to vote, comment, and follow, and thanks for reading!

The Outsiders: The Curtis Sister *INCOMPLETE*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora