Chapter 4

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i needed a way to get downstairs and help the gang out with the socs. i remember when i was little, we hated the socs, and i guess that hatred never stopped.

i sat on my bed, trying to quickly think of a way to somehow get downstairs. i could climb out of the window pretty easily, but the soc girls would see me.

most soc girls aren't very muscular. i could take one easily if i had to.

i carefully opened the window and slowly came out on top of the roof. i crawled over to a pipe and slid down it, but the pipe started to cut open my hands as i slid. i grimaced and silently cursed but continued down. when i got down, my hands were ripped and blood peeked through the cuts.

"who are you?" a snobby voice said.

i looked over to see who said it, and it was a soc girl peeking her head out of the car. when she said this, the other girls peeked their heads out of their cars too. there were only five of them, one in each car.

i walked over to the one that originally talked to me. she had a smug smile plastered on her face, as i said overly-nice,"hi, im none of your business. whats your name?"

her smile faded and her expression turned angry. "you don't have any right to talk to me that way, greaser girl."

"says who?" i smiled. she flipped her middle finger up at me, and i did the same. only when i flipped my finger, i blew a kiss at her with it. i turned around and started to walk towards the front door and another voice that wasn't the previous girl said "i wouldn't do that if i were you."

i stopped in my tracks and turned around slowly. "you know what? i think i do." i turned back around and continued walking to the front door.

i stopped in front of the door and took a deep breath. there were loud voices coming from the other side of that door, and i knew i couldn't take a soc on my own.

alright ivye, you got this. don't stress out. i thought to myself. i raised my hand and quickly opened the door.

i saw soda on top of one soc, darry on one, two bit and steve on one, dallas on one, and pony and johnny on one. but as soon as i caught sight of what was happening, all of the commotion stopped. everyone turned to look at me.

darry glared at me and his eyes grew angry. "ivye, what are you doing here?!" darry scream-whispered.

at that moment, i had no idea what to do next. i didn't know if i should walk out, or help fight. i didn't know if i should answer him or not, or to lie and say i accidentally fell out of the window. of course, me being my stupid self, i just decided to smile wide and hope that it would get me out of trouble.

"ooo, the greasers got a mini greaser on their hands." one of the socs said, walking over to me. you don't know how bad i wanted to just run, but that would be showing signs of fear, and that was the worst thing i could have done in that moment.

"whats your name, kid?" he asked.

"w-why should i have to tell you?" i mumbled, my fear failing to hide itself.

"w-w-w-why? because we'll skin your hood friends if you don't." he said mocking me.

i decided to lie, since i had no idea what they could do to me if they knew my name.

"my names... uhhh... stacey." i lied. i heard a small giggle from behind the soc, and i saw it was two bit. as soon as it escaped his lips, steve clamped his hand over two bits mouth.

"well stacey, since you decided to be good and tell us, we will let you and your hoods go. hows that for a deal?"

"sounds great." i scoffed angrily.

"thats just perfect." the soc said while smiling and ruffling my hair. they all walked out of the door and the sounds of their engines rumbled and they were off. i turned to the gang, their eyes wide.

"well then, i best be goin'." i grinned, trying to slip out of there as quickly as i could.

hey guys! sorry this chapter took longer to get out, i haven't had much time to write. i've changed how long i want the chapters, they will probably be around 600-900 words instead of 1000-1500. i think im done for now, but don't forget to vote, comment, and follow, and thanks for reading!

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