XV. She's back

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Before parting Ana talked a bit with Sasuke and I thanked him again for returning my kitten safely. I also promised Kenshin to kill him next time. Then we got going.

'I brought someone with me...' I led Ana to the horses.

'Han, baby!' She ran to him and hugged his head. 'Hi sweetie! I missed you so much, darling!'

'Whoa, you weren't this excited to see me. Do you love this stinking horse more than me?' I teased her.

She covered Han's ears with her hands. 'Shh, don't listen to him! I barely know this dude. You are my everything! I only love you, you know that.' She rested her forehead against his.

'Okay. Than you can go home alone, ungrateful lass! I'll find another concubine. A thousand rather.' I crossed my arms and turned my back on her.

'No one told you not to turn your back on a tiger?' I heard her drawing her sword. I smiled.

'The kitten who thinks she is a tiger... How cute.' I spun around and drew my blade too.

She charged at me and we sparred. We couldn't stop grinning though.

'Did you miss me?' I asked her between strikes.

'Yes, every single day. But occasionally getting drunk and or high helped a lot.' She chuckled.

'Getting high?' I didn't understand. I had to fend off her slash.

'It means smoking a special herb that makes you feel good and happy and mellow and very hungry.' She struck down. 'Did you miss me?

'Yes, every single day. You were always on my mind. I dreamt about you nearly every night.'

She dropped the sword and ran to me. I threw my arms around her. 'Welcome back, kitten!' We reunited in a long, slow kiss.

She broke the kiss and looked up to me adoringly. 'I love you, my wonderful husband!'


'How is marriage?'

'A little less terrible, thanks. She still despises me and tries to spend as little time with me as possible. But at least we talk sometimes now.' I hesitated to tell but the last time I kept something from her, we almost died. 'Also, I'm going to be a father.'

'Really? That's great news! Congratulations!' She looked genuinely happy for me. 'When is she due?'

'Thank you!' I was relieved she wasn't upset. 'About four months from now.'

'You are totally gonna be a DILF.' She shot me a lustful glance.

'What? You are talking nonsense again.' I laughed.

'It's an abbreviation for Daddies I'd Like to Fuck.' She giggled.

'I'll see what I can do for you.' I loved when she said 'fuck'.

'Can I ask you something?' She looked at me sheepishly. 'Ehm...How did you manage to, you know, get him to work?' She glanced at my groin.

'That was a nightmare. I was nervous and she didn't help me at all. She told me to be quick and let her be and just lied there like a piece of wood and made utterly off-putting faces. It was like a chore you don't want to do but you must...' I sighed.

She snorted and burst out in laughter. 'Hahaha, sorry. Sorry for laughing! That actually must have been a really bad experience. But I imagined your face...' She kept laughing.

'Thanks for your compassion. I'll keep that in mind for later.' I gave her a meaningful smile. 'I thought about you... I recalled every little detail of your gorgeous body and the heated moments we shared. That did the trick.' I felt my desire rising rapidly.

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