XIV. The touch of past

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It was ringing...

'Hi...Mom!' I was already struggling with my tears.

After a long silence a weeping voice responded: 'A-Ana? Sweetie, is that you? Is that really you?'

'Yes. It's me!' I was crying now too.

'How? Where have you been? We thought you...' Her voice trailed off.

'I know... I'm sorry. I'll explain everything in person. I'm going home next week.' I booked the first available flight because I had to take care of numerous bureaucratic issues regarding my mysterious disappearance and reappearance.

The next week I flew home. I told everyone that I got a governmental job thus I can't tell where I was and what I did. But I told the truth to my closest family members and friends. I couldn't fathom how or why, but they believed me when I said that I accidentally travelled back in time and became a female warrior and half a wife of a medieval warlord. If I were them, I'd have called the psychiatric ward immediately. They kept asking about Masamune. Especially my girlfriends. I spent a whole month at home. I caught up with everyone and everything that happened while I was gone. I had a really nice time but I missed him.

I looked up to the sky every night and searched for the Dog star. I knew he did the same back then... When I found it, I found his gaze and my heart broke every single time. But it always healed by the morning because I knew I got closer to seeing him again with each day.

When I returned to Japan I got a part-time job in a plant nursery. I had to bulk up my bank account because paying rent and bills without living in my apartment for more than a year made me poor. I actually loved working there. Being among plants was such a bliss. Sasuke also got me a job at the university, so I could apply for a long-term visa. Fortunately, I got it.

When I had a free weekend I decided to take the journey to the ruins of Masamune's home, Aoba Castle. Thanks to the bullet train and modern public transportation, it took only a few hours instead of a week.

I stood before his statue. He was watching over the city of Sendai. Even though this one looked much older and less handsome, somehow he radiated the same power and charisma as my Masamune. I had to smile because I was the only one in the whole world who knew that this fierce warrior was actually the most loving sweetheart. And my husband. This is so ridiculous...

I felt his presence everywhere. When I walked around the ruins, I walked in his footsteps. My heart physically hurt when I saw his swords in the museum. Bizen-Mitsutada... The sword he fought me with. The sword I won from him. The sword that reunited us... Memories flushed over me. How his strong arms held me, how his teeth nipped my skin, how he kissed my body, how his fingers caressed me, how we made love that night. Every piece of me missed him. Three more months... Then I spotted a piece of paper displayed behind glass.

For my first born child:

A long time ago, when the gods roamed this world, there was a dragon who always pursued trouble and lived for adventures. One night he saw a bright light crossing the sky. A star fell from the heavens. His curiosity forced him to follow its trail. He was fast enough to see the star fall into a lake. Sparkles of a million colours flew everywhere illuminating the night. The dragon was blinded by the brightness. When his eye sight returned, he saw something coming out of the water. He sneaked closer...

It was a wild horse. She snorted and blew the clouds away from the sky. The moon smiled down and sprinkled her with magic moon dust. When it touched her coat, she shook her body and glowed up like the moon. Her otherworldly beauty caught the dragon's eyes, an invisible force pulled him closer. The mare noticed him and stomped. The world trembled around them. They stared into each other's eyes for a long time. She neighed and flowers bloomed in the night. She shook her head and snorted, inviting the dragon to play and he gladly took the chance.

The dragon and the silver mareDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora