Donald came out of his office and gave everyone of us a sandwich and a water bottle. Where he got this from is one question running through my mind right now. Like, does he have a specially made kit for natural disasters? Either way, at least we won't starve. Charlie turned on the office television so we could get the full broadcast on the weather.

"Tonight in Brooklyn, New York, the weather doesn't seem too good out there. Heavy thunderstorms flooding the skies might cause a small flood. So for anyone out in the street, stop by your nearest public building and take shelter until we give you an all clear." The weather woman announced. Could this day get any worse?

Almost on queue, a bolt of lightning struck a landline pole, which caused the power to go out. The building was in complete darkness until one of our coworkers, who always made candles in her free time, lit thirty of them up. The place started to look like the type of mood where you would make love in. All we need is some Marvin Gaye, and it'll be perfect.

"My radio works!" A random man shouted. The radio started playing Marvin Gaye's song 'Sexual Healing'. No matter what anyone says, this is a sign from the universe to make my move on Donald. No one would notice because he went in his office which was only brightened by one candle.

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