Me,"Yeah, I figured. I wouldn't have dressed up much if it wasn't important."

Eris, "She's tellin the truth.

Hades," We have quite an important thing to discuss."

Me and Eris, "What kinda thing?"

Hades, "You'll both find out when you are done getting ready."



Hades left then, leaving two very flabbergasted goddesses behind. Eris and I looked at each toher, then went back to getting ready.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We were sat at a quite large table now, with all the other gods and goddesses, prince and princesses of the night, monsters and gouls... anything else you would perhaps find in the underworld.

Grim at my left, Eris on my right, I sat, patient.

Grim had his usual cloak on, his sythe underneith the table. The devil, Bloody Mary, wore a dress exactly like mine, but it wasn't long and was a bright red. Eris wore the same thing as mine as well, except shorter than both of ours. Hers was white, with gold strapy sandels. She had her golden apple in front of her, resting on the table.

We weren't going to eat anything. We don't have feasts here in the firey depths of Hades. Although Hades wasn't exactly God of the Underworld, we still caled it that. Our own personal joke.

Hades and Persephone sat at the end of the table, the boogy man on the left corner of the table, Violet on the right. She was very important. Rico sat in front of me, across the table. The Devil at his left, a very scared looking Zee on his right. Well, she was a vampire after all. Rico was looking at me, angry that I had left home. I could here it in his thoughts.

My brother was of course, Yang, the sun god. NOT Apollo. I called him that at times just to tick him off.

I heard a woman clear her throught. I looked at Persephone who had been trying to catch everyones attention. Persephone stood, making us all cower in our seats. Goddess of the underworld. Not always to nice, if you catch my drift...

"We are gathered here so that I may tell you something that our future teller has bestowed upon us." She gestured to Violet.

Yes, Violet is Sychic if I forgot to tell you that. Sorry.

"My dear freind, Violet, has told us something quite shocking, so." She continued without hesitation. "And I would like to warn you all about the dangers comming down on us. The sister to the moon spirit, the next in line to the thrown, has decided to do a bit of...experamenting on our kind."

"What sister? I have 3." I asked, not thinking. Everybody hot me fearful looks. Persephone wouldn't hurt me. She knows I could kill her quite easily.

"Your sister with the pink eyes. The mad scientist." She smiled at me, but not a happy smile. A sorry smile.

"PINK!?" I blurted out, looking at Violet with huge eyes. Huge, fearful eyes. She was a mirror. She had the exact face that I did.

"Alright." I nodded and settled back into my seat, not realizing that I had stood up.

Persephone shot me a sympathetic look.

Persephone began again. "Pink only wants one of us," She shot a look at me, leaving me confused. "But after she is done with the first, the priority, then she will come after the rest. She will become mad with knowlodge, with power."

"WAIT A MINUTE! Do you mean that she's after Belle?!" I was shocked at this.

These weren't my words. They were everybody else in the audience. Everybody was scared. I was loved. Violet burst out crying, Persephone looked as though she were fighting back tears, and Hades had a couple of tears rolling down his cheeks.

My words came out a choked whisper this time. "My own sister?" I felt like crying, too. So I did. Everybody stared at me in horror and sadness. Their future ruler crying over something that they could easily overcome.

I heard a deathly whisper in my ear. I heard a chaotic whisper in the other. Eris and Grim were trying to comfort me, but I could hear the sadness in their voices.

I felt a hand on my back. It was warm, firey hot, but at the same time, it was freezing cold. I didn't understand it, intill I looked up. Persephone was trying to comfort me as well.

I stood up and gave her a hug.

"Rico?" I asked for my brother, looking into his chocolate orbs.

"Yes, Belle?" He was crying as well as me.

"Rico? Can we go to the treehouse?"

I felt bad for leaving everybody, leaving home, but I needed to go and talk some sense into my sister. Maybe not me, but I need to be there in case of a fight.

Rico nodded mutely. I gave everybody a hug, even the boogy man. They enveloped me into their different arms. Different tecture, different temperature, different shape, different length. Here at home, nobody was the same. But we were all a family.

A family filled with love. Evil, monsterous love.

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