'See you guys tomorrow!' I looked back to Sasuke and Yukimura. They both shook their heads.

We were flirting the whole time until we reached my room. Shingen was a heartthrob for sure. It seemed impossible to resist him but I had to. Business first.

'So, princess, what are your plans for tonight?' I found myself backed against the wall. He placed his hands on the wall next to my shoulders so I couldn't escape. 'May I offer you my services? A bath? A back massage?' His deep voice made my knees wobbly. He looked like a god... He leaned down to kiss me but suddenly stopped. He must have felt something sharp and pointy at his abdomen... Good thing, I hid my tanto in my obi.

'Keep your paws off me.' I smiled at him and stood on my tippy-toes. 'For now.' And pressed a kiss on his lips. He smiled.

'Good night, Shingen!' I licked my lips. He tasted like sugar...

'Good night, princess!' His voice stroked me like velvet.


First thing in the morning, I went to the training hall where Kenshin was waiting for me.

'I thought you won't come.' He raised his eyebrows and a thin smile appeared on his lips.

'Why wouldn't I? You asked me to train with you.' I was confident. I had to spar with him to gain his respect.

He shrugged and opened the door. He went to grab the wooden swords.

'Are you insulting me?' I laughed.

He answered with a chilling smile. We drew our swords at the same time. I attacked first.

'So tell me how did you get the One-Eyed Dragon's sword?' He casually talked as he parried my blade.

'Nobunaga wanted to see how I fight and he was the only one to volunteer. In the heat of the fight we agreed to bet our swords. We fought until first blood. I got lucky and won Bizen-Mitsutada. I haven't used it though. I can't wield it properly.' He slashed at me and I jumped away. We are done. Those rigid words echoed in my head again and my heart ached.

'I see. You are a worthy opponent. Who trained you?' He struck down again.

'Hattori Hanzo. Do you know him?' I parried.

'Of course. He is a great swordsman and I highly respect him. You should be honoured to be taught by him.'

'I am.' I stabbed in the direction of Kenshin's shoulder.

'Your sword is a true masterpiece and you are wielding it skillfully. But it was not made to kill.' He slapped my blade away easily. He wasn't called the God of War for nothing.

'Nigihayami Kohaku Nusi's goal is to grasp attention so people would take me seriously. Although, he could take a life without effort.' I got bold and slashed at his neck. He smiled.

'So Nobunaga sent you to persuade me into a truce?' Now, he was listening.

'Let's talk about it sitting down. Also, Shingen should hear what I have to say.'

'So be it. I will hear you out. You fought well.' He sheathed his sword and bowed.

I went to take a bath and change. They were waiting for me in the audience hall. Nobunaga needed this truce and I wanted to prove myself too. Kenshin and Shingen weren't easy to work with but they took me seriously. We both knew they would benefit from this agreement as well. We discussed the conditions and possibilities for long hours. It was getting dark by the time we managed to settle everything. I succeeded...

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