"Nothing!" She yells as there is slight shuffling in the room. "Wow Stacie. I didn't know you were seeing someone." I can hear the the unknown voice chime in. Why is it so dark? Oh right I'm under the blankets. "What? No one is here-here! Right?" Fades in and out. I think I dozed off for a second because I feel a sharp slap on my back. I groan and peak out from under the sheets.

"Nope no one else is anywhere he- oh wow hi." I say stunned as I nudge Stacie. She peaks out of the blankets too. I'm met with the sight of a very sexy woman. She is a blonde with green eyes. Damn what a sight. She seems somewhat familiar...

"You do know I can see you both?" The blonde says crossing her arms, she sighs when she is met by silence. "I didn't know you had a girlfriend Stacie... let alone that you're into girls." The woman says as she continues to eye me, she tilts her head to the side as she continues to look at me. I glance at Stacie who is staring at the ceiling fan.

"Is that a weed pen?! And an empty vodka bottle! What the hell Stacie!" The blonde shrieks glaring daggers between the two of us. "Oh and on top of all that, She isn't even my girlfriend! We are just fuck buddies!" Stacie says with a loud chuckle. I start laughing too until I fall backwards onto the bed. "Oh my god my baby sister is drunk, high, and having sex outside of a relationship." The blonde says suddenly looking sick and leaning against the door frame.

"Yeah sounds about right!" Stacie says while she smirks at me, the blonde looks like she's going to pass out before she takes a few deep breaths. "Stace, how about your little friend goes home and we have a talk downstairs?" She says as she glares at me again. "She is far from little! Like over nine inchesssss!" Stacie yells and I smirk. Damn right I am packing. "How messed up are you?" She asks shaking her head.

"Alright I'm going to close the door so you two can get dressed then I need to talk to my sister." The blonde says sternly. We both nod as the she slowly close the door. I think I can hear her dry heaving.

"Dude is she your *hiccup* sister? Holy shit your family has some magical hereditary shit." I drunkenly slur. Stacie winks at me before shoving me onto my back. She rides me fast and hard before I can even process what's happening and making us have an intense finish. Stacie cuddles into my side as we catch our breath. Suddenly there is a knock on the door breaking us out of out post sex bliss.

"Seriously Stace!? I'm about to be puking all over the bathroom! I can hear through the door!" Rings out. I look at Stacie whose head is slightly tilted and looking in the direction the voice came from. "Who was that?" I ask Stacie as I start trying to find my clothes. She just shrugs as we finish getting dressed. I open the door and nearly smack into a sexy blonde.

"Wow, hi there." I say with a smirk looking her up and down. She narrows her eyes at me. "Beca, are you checking out my sister?" Stacie asks as she wraps her arms around me and kisses my neck. "I mean... yes." I say. Stacie just laughs and kisses me a few more times. The blonde glares at us. "You didn't button your ummm shirt there." Stacie says while playing with the sides of my flannel. Huh its wide open, at least I have a sports bra on.

"Sooo I'm going to go then." I mutter before I kiss Stacie, it was meant to be a peck but turns out to be a heated make out session. We jump apart when the blonde clears her throat. "Sneak back in later." Stacie whispers as she plants one more kiss on my neck.

"I heard that." The girl glares and we both groan. "Okay then bye Stacie! *Cough* leaveyourwindowunlocked *cough.* I mutter. Stacie winks as I walk back into Stacie's room and open the window. "Um Stacie she can use the front door-" I leap out before she finishes and start my climb down. I've done this plenty times when Stacie and I were desperate enough to do it in her house. Naturally my drunk ass falls and lands on the ground with a loud thud. Damn sober me is going to feel that one.

My Sister's Baby MommaWhere stories live. Discover now