Chapter 8 Can't touch this

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"We where teenagenapped  by three guys" Cassie elaborated.  

"Teenagenapped?" I look at Cassie with a raised eyebrow.  

"Well we're not kids are we" I shake my head in a 'no' response.  

"Therefor it would not be kidnapping" I sigh, Cassie logic is almost worse then Jess Logic.  

Out of the corner of my eye I notice Liana looking down the street, then looking down at her phone.

"I'm sorry if we are keeping you from something, do you have a place to be?" I ask her. Startled she looks up from her phone, she blushes, raking her hand through her black hair, she looks down at her phone one more time, before placing it into her purse.  

"No, I have no where to be, I'm just waiting for a phone call, scuze." I slightly frown, noticing the change in her voice pitch, and the fact that she said a word in Romanian, meaning that she wasn't paying full attention on me, something was on her mind.                    

"Are you sure, you look worried."

"I'M FINE" Liana snapped at me, causing me to flinch in surprise.

'I think that we will be leaving now, thank you for your help" I turn to walk away, when yet again I am grabbed on the upper arm

"No, wait you can't leave yet" She says as her grip gets tighter.

"And why not" Sally says facing Liana, looking down at where her hand was gripping my arm, although cutting of the circulation would be a more accurate example.

"You just can't, I'm sorry, if it was up to me I would let you go, you seem like nice girls, but I was given orders by the Alp..." She suddenly stops talking.

"Given orders by who?" Cassie asks.

"By people with a lot of power, people who's command you answer to out of pure respect, and for that reason I can't let you go" A wave of determination flashes across her face.

After her little speech I hear a cars engine rumble, looking down the road I notice a Black SUV heading our way, the engines rumble slows down to a halt when the SUV pulls up in front of us, looking around I notice that the street has cleared, and that we were the only people, in a place that had been busy only moments before, fixing my gaze on Cassie and Sally I give them a weird look.

Hearing a car door open and slam shut had me whirling around, only to have my heart skip a beat, you have got to be kidding me.

"How is this possible?" I hear Sally whisper to Cassie.

Walking towards us with the cockiest smirk known to man kind is the one and only Hulk, no not the Marvel comics Hulk, but my very own personal pain in the ass Hulk, my kidnapper, in all his mermaid costume glory.

Liana must have told them where to find us, how did she even know who we are, I should have never told her our names, stranger danger.

"Look, we can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way." Hulk said stopping just in front of me, crossing his arms over his chest, arms flexing.

"That line was so cheesy it belongs in a Mac Donald's burger" What, its the truth, I swear he got that line straight out of a movie or something, I mean talk about creativity.

"I guess it's going to have to be the hard way then." With that said another door swings open, and out walks none other then Mark and Gavin, I know I should be scared, but lets be honest here, there is nothing remotely scary about three guys in Disney Princess costumes, they must have woken up, and noticed that we where missing, they must have left so fast, because they didn't have time to change.

Looking back to where Liana was standing I noticed that she was missing, was a nice person she turned out to be, note the sarcasm.

Placing my attention back on the matter at hand I notice that Cassie and Sally are already being hauled of to the back of the car.

"There is no way that I am getting into the back of that car, do you see how cliché this whole experience is?" I pester him.

"Would you rather I have you knocked out again, then tied up and put in the trunk." Touché Hulk, touché.

"Fine, you win for now, I will go with you." Hulk stumbled over my words, yes he heard me right, but the real reason that I am going with him is because of the fact that my best friends are in that car, I still have no idea where I am, plus I'm really tired and hungry.

"Okay" That was his only response, one word, but the one word dripped with suspicion, he gently placed his hand on the small of my back guiding me to the car. The act itself was quite stupid, as I could see where the car was parked, I think he was guiding me because he still thought I was going to run away, even though I had already agreed to go with him. 


Hulk was driving the car, and Mark was up the front riding shotgun, whilst Gavin was forced to sit in the back with us, no one had spoken a word to us since the car ride begun, it was pure silence, and not the comfortable kind either.

"Why did you three run away?" Mark broke the silence.

"Because we where being held against our will." Was Cassie's quick remark.

"Did any of you hurt yourselves?" Gavin said said reaching over to touch Sally's arm, she flinches away.

"Don't touch me!" You could see the hurt flash across his face, but as fast as it came, it had passed, in it's place anger was left.

"I can touch you when I please, you belong to me."

"I belong to no one!" Burnnnnn, damn where did this side of Sally come from.

"oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh" Cassie, what are you doing, she is going to get herself in trouble, so I do the only thing I can think of, and it seems that Sally has they same idea.

"oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh, Can't touch this, oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh, Can't touch this." I sing along with Cassie and Sally to MC Hammer's U Can't Touch This.

The guys just groan, Hulk reaches to his left and turns on the radio.


"I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL, I NEVER HIT SO HARD IN LOVE, ALL I WANTED WAS TO BRAKE YOUR WALLS, ALL YOU EVER DID WAS BREAK ME!!!" After being stuck in a car for a whole three hours, I had started to go mad, the only thing that had been keeping me sane was my very loud, very screechy, very off pitch singing.

It had been like this for a while now, all the guys had been doing was complain about their sensitive hearing, and how I was being annoying, WELL THEN MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE KIDNAPPED ME DIMWITS.

Even Sally and Cassie where getting tired of my singing, I mean, I know that I'm not the best at singing, but they could at least act a bit supportive, it was like year five talent show all over again, I had finally decided to enter the school talent show, but when I came out on the stage in spandex singing my version of 'Eye of the Tiger" I got booed of stage, it was humiliating, but totally worth it, all I would have to do to clear a room was to clear my throat and open my mouth.

I was pulled out of my thoughts, when I felt the car slow down, until it stopped, looking out the window I was greated with the biggest Mansion I had ever seen.

"Wecome to your new home." Hulk said to me opening my door.



This chapter is dedicated to SierraPerry0 for the really nice and funny comments she has left for me, please feel free to leave comments I would love to know what you guys think, and also please recommend me some books to read, I feel as though I have literally out read wattpad!

Don't forget the nicest or funniest comment gets the next chapter dedicated to them.

Question of the Day: What is the most embarrassing  thing that has ever happened to you?

Isabelle XO

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