Chapter 2 Holey mother of cheese cakes

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I am dedicating this chapter to White_wolf12 as this person read my book first!

Chapter 2

Holey mother of cheese cakes

Jess POV

"But mummmm, I really, really, really don't want to go to school today", ok I guess that I am not a morning person, but really I swear that Tom had it coming to him, "Just because you don't want to school, does not give you any reason to punch Tom in the face" mum responded back to me, I hate it when she does the calm but secretly I'm really pissed of voice, it scares the hell out of me, "well then stop sending up annoying brothers everyday to wake me up", its true she does it everyday, yesterday it was josh, I chucked a shoe at his head, the day before that it was Toby, I through a book at him, the day before that it was Sam, I kicked him in the royal jewels (yeah I have to admit that one is a bit of a habit), and today, Tom, I might or might not have punched him in the face.

"Fine, I'll get up", wow and they say teens are annoying, well actually yeah I suppose teens can be a really big pain in the ass, I mean I live with 4 teenage boys I should know.

Right now I am doing what I like to call the zombie, it's where you shuffle down the hallway making really loud annoying groaning noises to let everyone know that you are half awake but wish that you where back in dream land.

"SHUT UP"....

"I'm on the High way to hell", so at this very moment I am singing High way to hell by ACDC as loud as I can on my way to school, it's just my little way of saying, LOOK OUT WORLD THE DEVIL HAS RISEN, I slam the door of my jeep and jump into the awaiting arms of Cassie and Sally, god do I love these girls, they are the only people I know who would put up with all my crazy ness, well I mean there's my family, but you can't exactly say "umm, I don't think this is going to work out, sorry I am not your sister anymore", believe me if it was that easy I would have done it years ago.

"Someone's in a happy mood", my dear sweat innocent Sally told me, "you don't know the half of it".

"Guys come on we have to get to form assembly".

Do you ever just sit there and think, I wonder what it would be like to fly on a giant chocolate chip cookie, actually never mind, scratch that, it's probably just me.

" Now what's going on in that little brain of yours" Cassie asked me, "nothing out of the ordinary" and that's the truth, it's completely normal for me to be thinking like that, it's just how I role.

"Ok class we have some new students today, this is Gavin, Mark and Hunter" My eyes started wondering towards each of the boys he referred to.

There was a brown haired boy, Gavin, a blonde haired boy Mark and......

"Holey mother of cheese cakes"

At the door stood the most drool worthily guy ever in the existence of the world and probably the universe to, he had pitch black hair, full pink lips, that girls would just die for, and DAMN he was like the hulk, he was very built up and must be at least 6'3, if I where to stand next to him I would look like a chipmunk.

And then he turned and looked at me dead in the eye, well I'm dead, I have officially died, someone start the chest compressions.

His eyes where bright green, and when I say bright green, I mean that they where frigen glowing emerald green, and I'm pretty shore that he growled something that sounded like 'mane', what the hell is a mane, he won't stop looking at me, do I have something on my face?

Hunter POV

Ok so I am starting at a new school today with some of my pack mates, we are only staying for 3 months though as we are on an transfer program from Romania.

My mum thought that it would be a good idea to see some of the world before I take over the pack from my dad next year when I turn 18.

I suppose the school looks alright, I mean it looks like a typical everyday American high school from what I can see from the out side, I actually haven't been in yet.

My dad had called up to the school to make sure that I was in all the same classes as Gavin and Mark, as he feels that I should start spending more time with my future Beta and third in command.

We all have form assembly with Mr. Pierce first of in room D9, we are about to enter the room when a chill runs down my back, and then I smell it the most amazingly amazing smell that I have ever smelled, it was like coconut and cherry blossoms, a weird combination I thought, but it some how just works.

I looked over to Gavin and Mark to see if they smelt it to, they both seem to have really glassed over looks on their faces.

For some reason my wolf was pushing ford, trying to come out, or at least get me in that classroom, listening to my wolf I slowly push open the door to find the smell even stronger in here, the teacher was saying something but I was to focused on the smell to hear what he was saying, when I heard it, the weirdest sentience, from the most beautiful voice, "Holey mother of cheese cakes", when all of a sudden I felt a heated gaze on the side of my head, I look to the back of the room to see who was staring at me, the culprit was a girl who looked around my age, she has dark blond strawberry hair that reached her waist, she couldn't be any taller than 5'5, she looked in my eyes like a goddess, then our eyes met, I felt a soft growl rumble up inside of me "MATE", her sea blue eyes opened wide, I just smirked.


Hi everyone sorry I haven't posted in a while, I went on holiday and they didn't have any wifi, it was awful, not the holiday, that was fun, just the no wifi part.

Well here is chapter 2, I will put up chapter 3 in a couple if days, I am working on it now, sorry that this isn't that long, it's really late, but I wanted to post something for you guys, anyway in the next chapter we will be meeting some of the other characters.




P.s thank you for getting this far in reading my book, it means a lot to me as this is my first book, still feel free to write down any ideas for characters I am open for suggestions, I would love to hear how you found my book , and what you think of it well that's all for now until next time adios amegos!!!

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