Chapter 3 Assbutt

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Chapter 3


Jess POV

Ok now it's just getting really creepy, this dude, well actually I didn't quite catch his name, I guess I'll just have to call him hulk considering he looks like one.

Now let's start again, this dude hulk has been staring at me for the past like minute and a half, I don't even think that he is blinking. Which probably isn't very healthy.

Thankfully his staring was stopped when the Mr. Pierce asked them all to tell us a bit about themselves.

It was only then when I tore my eyes away from him that I discovered that the guys next to him appeared to be in the same state as him.

I then decided to look next to me at Cassie and Sally who both had the same look on their faces as I properly did, a look of total confusion and yet somehow just a hint of familiarity, like something important that was lost had been returned.

WOW since when was I someone to say something that actually made sense, what in the name of jelly beans going on with me.

"Hi I'm Mark and this is Gavin and Hunter, we have lived in Romania and are staying here on a transfer program for the next three months".

And after that point I pretty much zoned out do the rest of form assembly although I would occasionally catch a glance at hulk who's name I know new, but the funny thing was that every time I looked at him he was always looking at me.

It turns out that the new boys have the same classes as us except for Math, dance/ singing and drama.

The last class of the day Gym, and also personally my favourite, it turns out the new boys where in this class to.

Once we where all changed into our sport outfits we walked out into the gym and where created by Mr. Abalone.

"Come on girls this isn't a tea time run laps" says Mr. Abalone blowing his whistle really loudly.

"I swear he thinks the having that stupid whistle makes him our God" I whisper to Sally as we start running.

I have always loved running, it makes me feel free, strong like I am capable of doing anything fate throws in I'm path.

I start of with a slow jog, with Sally and Cassie right behind me we begin to build up our speed gradually getting faster and faster, we pass everyone even the new kids who just have a look of total amazement and confusion on their faces like we shouldn't be able to overtake them, I'll give this to them though they are really fast I mean they had lapped everyone before we arrived.

After running laps we started playing another friendly game of Dodge Ball, girls vs boys of cause.

"3,2,1.... GO" Yells Mr. Abalone blowing the whistle again, honestly it's like he has a sentimental attachment towards it, it's quite ridicules.

People might say that dodge ball is a silly game for kids, but for Sally, Cassie and I it might as well be a life or death situation.

We treat it as though we are on a battle field, and as though the balls are bullets, the opposing team are our enemies.

So it's safe to say that if someone interferes with our game we will be mad.

Suddenly everything went in slow motion, it was as if the clocks had stopped moving, I could see the ball coming for me I couldn't move, it was as if I where in shock I just stood there waiting for the inevitable, I prepared myself for the blow, but nothing came.

I slowly opened one eye and then the other, only to see hulk staring at me with a worried look on his face.

That Assbutt he stopped the ball from hitting me, I felt as though my pride had been severely burned, to I did what anybody would have done, I took it like a women...

I picked up the ball by my foot and chucked it at hills face, knocking him over, the bell rang ending the day, I dusted of my hands walked to the changing rooms and just before entering looked back to find Hulk on the ground still staring at me dumbfounded, I just simply smirked and walked in.

Hunter POV

I just couldn't stop staring at her, I just couldn't believe that I had finally found her, the person I would spend the rest of my life with. My Mate.

Mr. Pierce was the one who finally broke my gaze upon her, asking such a simple question as tell us a bit about you.

"Mark you tell them a bit about us, but not into to much detail"

I told Mark using our Pack mind link.

I had her in most of my subjects, and how do I put this with out out sounds like a creep, gazed at her with every chance I had, I just can't believe that I had finally found my perfect mate.

Let's just say that gym was interesting, coach told us to start of by running laps of the gym, so Naturally Mark, Gavin and I where in the lead, when all of a sudden 3 girls barely eve. trying run right passed us, and one of them being my little mate.

"How is that even possible" Gavin mind linked to me "Even for a werewolf it would be had to out run us, let alone three HUMAN girls" Gavin continued, stretching the work human.

"I don't know, we will let this one slide, but if it happens again we will need to investigate" I linked back to him.

After laps we all started in a game of Dodge Ball, girls vs boys, which I thought as highly ridicules as the girls could really get hurt.

But I immediately took my thoughts as the game started, my little mate and her 2 friends clearly take this game a little bit too seriously, they where liked ninjas, throwing balls left and right, whilst dodging the incoming balls in amazing ways, there's something definitely not normal with these girls.

I look to my left and see a boy I met today, I believe his name is Ashton aim a ball at my mates head, when he through it my wolf completely took over I ran and grabbed the ball mid air, I turned to look at my little mate concerned, I saw her open her eyes one by one, in a childish manner.

She looked at me, then the ball I was  holding, a wave of relisation went over her, I expectation her to be thankful, I watched her stand there for a second, bend down pick up the ball... and throw it at my head, well, I did not see that one coming, at the most I expected to stumble a little, but instead I was sent flying.

"let the investigating start, she is definitely NOT human" I linked to both Mark and Gavin .

I watched her walk to the changing room turn around and give me a smirk, no has ever and I mean ever smirked at me before.



Thanks for reading, sorry for not posting in awhile, I will not tire you with excuses as to why I was not posting, I was actually think about deleting the story as only a couple of people are reading it, but then I thought that wouldn't be fare to the people actually reading.



and please, please, please COMMENT I would love to hear what you think.

Adios Amegos


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