Christine Canigula

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    "I'm impressed! I'm almost always the first person here!" Christine exclaimed.
I let out a nervous laugh. "Well, yesterday I got turned around... a lot."
    Christine chuckled. "Well, I'm glad you made it on time today. You were at play rehearsal yesterday, right?"
    "Yes, I was," I answered as other students entered the room.
    "It's nice to find someone as enthusiastic about Shakespeare as I am!" Christine exclaimed.
    "As upset as I am that A Midsummer Nightmare now has... zombies in it, we can still make the best out of it!"
Christine pumped a fist into the air, "Yeah!" We giggled as we went to take our seats, Mr. Reyes entering the room. I glanced to Scarlett.
Will you be sticking around?
    "No, drama is your domain. You'll be fine." And with that, she was gone.
Mr. Reyes stood up in front of the class, the bell ringing as he cleared his voice. "Whose ready to have some fun?" He shouted. All of the theatre geeks squealed in unison. "Today's assignment is to take a famous skit from online, and it can be something silly, or serious, and reenact it in a group of 2-3. Then I want you to right a paper on the difference between skits today and famous musicals and acts from the past. I want you to have some fun! Now go and ACT!"
I turned to Christine. "Partners?"
"Partners!" She held out her hand, shaking mine dramatically.
"What skit to you want to perform?"
Christine rubbed her chin, deep in thought. "You pick!" She finally said.
"Umm... how about 'Marry Me Rebecca' posted by Cartoon Hangover?" I suggested, smiling.
Christine giggled, "That, my friend, is a work of art." We continued to laugh as we picked out parts, one of us having to take two roles.
I cleared my throat, beginning the skit, "Rebecca, you are the prettiest girl in Brooklyn!" I held my arms out.
Christine giggled, holding a hand to her mouth. "Why thank you, Sir Jeffers!"
With hands clasped, I asked, "Would you accompany me to the mysterious wedding today?"
Christin whipped her body around. "No!"
"But-but, Rebecca, I love you!" I cried out, pretending to be heart broken.
Christine turned her head back to look at me. "I love you too..." She fully turned her body around, "I loooooove you!"
I took a step forward, grasping her arms. "Marry me, Rebecca!"
Christine dipped her head, looking to the floor. "No."
I took a step back, rising a hand to my heart. "Why?" I shouted.
Christine lifted her head. "I don't love you... whoopsies!" She said with a shrug.
"Rebecca!" I howled in agony.
"I am in love with another," Christine admitted.
"Who is this man?" I demanded.
"He... Is.... You!" Christine pointed a finger at me. "I love you!"
"Marry me, Rebecca!" I asked once again.
"No!" Christine shouted.
"Rebecca!" I yelled, holding back a laugh while I looked the ceiling.
"I am in love with your brother," Christine stated.
"Chad? I'll kill him when I find him!" I said, strangling the air.
As Christine was about to speak for the third character, a boy with shaggy, dirty blonde hair stepped towards us. "Or he will find you!" The boy exclaimed.
"Chad?" Christine and I yelled, rolling with the new addition to our team.
"The mysterious wedding has been our wedding all along. Rebecca and I are getting wed at the wedding today! You are not invited!" The boy said, pointing to me. "Will you be my best man?"
I sighed, crossing my arms. "Of courses brother... I hat you so much."
Placing hand on Christine's back and slowly guiding her away, the boy spoke, "Goodbye brother! I'll see you at the bachelor party!"
Christine glanced back at me, "Goodbye, Sir Jeffers! I will always love you!" She wiped at a fake tear.
"Rebecca..." I whispered painfully, reaching a hand out.
"And, scene!" Christine exclaimed, turning back around and skipping over to me.
The boy followed along with her. "Nice job Chris!"
Christine patted her back. "I try my best! And you weren't to bad either, Xander."
"Xander, is it? Do you make a habit of making an unexpected entrance often?" I questioned.
"Ah, you're the new girl!" Xander stated.
"I guess you could say that, but I prefer to go by, Amanda."
"Lovely to make your acquaintance, Miss Amanda," Xander said, grabbed my hand and kneeling down, planting a kiss on the back of my hand. He looked up, still on the floor and holding my hand. "You are a most impressive actor."
I giggled. "Why thank you, good sir!" Xander stood up, joining me in laughing.
"So," Christine began, "Why aren't you doing the school play?"
"Ah, well, you know I'm busy... plus I heard Mr. Reyes talking to the choir teacher about adding zombies to A Midsummers Nightmare."
Christine shook her head, "You still would have been terrific under the circumstances!"
"Yeah, I know," Xander bragged. We continued to joke and talk about other actors and plays until class was over. Waking to my next period, I couldn't wait for play rehearsal. Although my popular friends weren't actually that terrible, Christine was the kind of theatre friend I needed, and I was excited to talk with her again.
I excitedly skipped into drama room once again, greeted by an even more excited Christine.
"Amanda!" She squealed, running over. "I need to tell you about something!"
"Tell me!" I exclaimed.
"So-" Christine was cut short by the noticing sound of other teenager entering the room.
Mr. Reyes entered not long after, his voicing cutting through the noise, "Attention students! I need you all to take on some assignment, I need groups, or just one person, to help out on each category. You student most pitch in on the production of the play!" The older teacher grabbed a clip board with a sign up sheet on it. "You can work on costumes, set design, lighting, or music!" Many of the students groaned, but Christine happily grabbed my wrist, dragging me to the sign up sheet. The other students followed suit.
"We'll work in set design!" Christine informed Mr. Reyes, scribbling both our names down. We returned to our seats, taking our scripts from our backpacks.
"So, what role are you going for?" I asked Christine.
"The role of course!"
I chucked, "I guess I'm going to have to work my ass off to get the part then! Oh, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?"
    "Oh, right! Do you want to hang out after school?"
    I was taken back at first, finally replying, "Yes! What are we going?"
    "There's this free, funny improve class I go to sometimes. They let you watch and throw out ideas, and act when you're not in the audience. It's really fun!"
    I let out a laugh, "Is it really funny because most of the people suck at acting?"
    "Maybe..." Christine admitted.
    "Well..." I started, "I'd love to go!"
    The end of play rehearsal was finally over. I walked out of the room with Christine when I realized I left my script.
    "Ah, I left my script, be right back!" I ran back into the class room, and almost right into Jeremy. Well, shit.
    "Amanda! Can we please talk?"
    "I'd rather not," I said, brushing last him to grab the script. I rushed out, Jeremy following me.
    "Amanda please..."
    "Jeremy! Hey!" Michael. I hadn't actually seen him much today, but it look as though he and Jeremy made up.
    "Oh... hey, Michael," Jeremy said, a bit unenthusiastically.
    Michael looked to me. "Hey Amanda," He said with a smile.
    From her lock nap during play rehearsal, Scarlett materialized. "Remember, not to attached."
    "Sorry Michael, I cant talk right now," I said offering a small smile as I rushed away from the two boys, finding Christine waiting out by the entrance.
    "Hey, I usually just walk, but do you have a car?" Christine ask, falling in step beside me.
    "Yup!" I answered.
    "Great, we have a improve class to get to!"
I pulled into the parking lot after following the directions given to me by Christine. We exited the car, arms swinging beside us. Christine skipped to the door, throwing it open. I followed her cautiously into a large room with chairs and a small stage. I took a seat next to Christine. But minutes later, a teenage boy with spiked up red hair walked into the stage.
"Welcome everyone! I'm so glad you could join us tonight. To start off, I will perform a fun skit with a new member of the club! Give a warm welcome to, Todd Anderson!"
Everyone in the audience clapped as Todd walked on stage. "Hi," he greeted nervously with a small wave of his hand.
"Alright!" The red haired boy spoke again. "We need a place and time from the audience!"
Other began shouting this out, so I decided to throw out an idea as well, "Present time, the royal palace in London!"
Christine turned to look at me, "Nice one!"
"I heard the royal palace in London, present times, let's go with that!" We used this method to pick out character too. The red haired boy was a present, in love with Prince Todd's wife.
"Please, kind Prince! We are in love!" The red haired boy exclaimed.
I leaned to whisper to Christine, "What's the red haired kid's name?"
"That's Cameron."
"Well, um s-she's to be my bride, um, but yours?" Todd attempted to act.
Christine face palmed. "He's choking!"
"I wish we could do something about it," I sighed.
Christines eyes lit up. "Maybe we can..."
"No! She does not love you! You mustn't marry her!" Cameron demanded.
Christine stood from her seat. "My love! You can not act this way! We must go along with the wedding, or I will be sent back home and we will not be together!"
Cameron seemed shocked, but grateful for a better actor. "Princess?" He exclaimed.
"Yes, it is I, my love!" Christine responded.
"What's happening?" Todd asked, confused.
"How about we run off and get married! Leave prince Todd behind!" Cameron yelled.
I jumped up from my own seat. "But Princess, I love you too!"
Christine turned to look at me, her acting never faltering, "Prince Todd's twin sister, Melody?"
"Twin sister?" Todd questioned.
"We have been friends for so long," I raised s hand to my heart, "But I can no longer pretend that is the only way I feel about you... I'm madly in love with you, Princess!"
Christine gripped my hands, "Melody..."
"But, we were in love, Princess!" Cameron proclaimed.
"I thought we were getting married!" Todd shouted, completely out of character.
"Princess, who do you chose?" I asked Christine.
She looked to Cameron, Todd, then back to me. With a squeeze of my hand, she said, "I choose you, Melody!"
"Truly?" I asked.
"Truly! Let's run away together!" Christine offered, giddily.
"Nooo!" Cameron shouted, falling to his knees. The audience erupted in laughter and applause, all of us taking a bow, except for the still confused Todd. Christine and I giggled as we took a seat.
Back in the car, I glanced to Christine. "Hey, do you want to get started on some set design tonight? We could run to the craft store and do some work at my house?" I suggested.
"Yeah! Sounds fun," Christine agreed.
"Well... I need you to point me the way..."
Christine giggled as she responded, "Oh, right." With a few directions from Christine, we made it to a craft store. We picked out a few things, and safely made it to my house. We spent a few hours sketching out designs and creating mockups of future prop. We joked around, talking about our favorite plays and musicals.
"Please tell me your favorite Shakespeare isn't Romeo and Juliet!" I said.
Christine giggled, "Not a big romance fan?"
"Not a big cliché fan! Romeo and Juliet has been done to death."
"Well... I will love it to my death because it is my favorite!" Christine squealed.
I tossed a pillow at her. "Oh course it is!" Just then, my phone beeped. It was Ricky.

Ricky: I'll be working late tonight! See you tomorrow!

Me: Ok, see you then!

"Who was that?" Christine asked.
"Oh it's Ricky. She's my mom's best friend and who I'm living with right now."
"Oh, ok." I glanced over to Christine, thinking of my mother.
"Hey, do you like horror movies?" I asked.
"Sometimes," Christine answered.
"Back home, my mom and I would have these horror movie marathons.... I guess I'm a little homesick," I admitted.
Christine grabbed my hand. "Let's have a horror movie marathon then."
"Really." And with that, we had a bunch of movies picked out, one already in the Blu-Ray player. I glanced at the time. 9:47.
"Um, maybe you should stay over," I offered. Christine turned on her phone, looking at the time.
"Yeah, I think I should too... I'll text my mom," Christine said, typing in her phone.
"I'll tell Ricky," I said, sending out my own text.
I don't know when we fell asleep, but we definitely didn't watch that many movies. I walked into the kitchen, leaving behind a sleeping Christine. I grabbed a granola bar like everyone morning, and walked to the front door. I had always liked sitting outside to to do my homework and such. Scarlett materialized beside me.
"It is highly probable that Christine will become good friends with Jake. This way you can be friends with her and the popular students. Then, drama could still be a part of your life."
I looked back up to Scarlett. "Your actually helping me with drama?"
Scarlett sighed. "I don't have a choice. You won't continue on in our plan without drama, so I have to work around that fact."
I rolled my eyes. "Teaches me to think you could have some compassion."
"I'm a super computer. I don't feel emotions." I turned my head to the opening of a door. Micheal walked out of his house, pacing in his yard. I stood up and walked to where he could see me.
"Michael! Are you ok?" I asked, concerned.
Michael looked over, glaring at me. "Why do you care?"
I walked closer to him. "Why wouldn't I care?"
"Why are you acting so innocent?" Michael shouted. "You've been ghosting me, not taking to me.... I thought.... after that day in the mall... I thought we had, like, a moment!" Michael's face was tinted a slight pink, as he waited for my response.
"I knew that treating Michael this way would lead to this outburst. This was unavoidable, but I tried to make it work because you wanted me too. However, you need to end this now. Save you both from more heart break," Scarlett informed me.
I sighed, fighting back tears. End this. "There was no moment. We're not friends... just leave me alone!"
Michael looked crushed. "Fine then." He turned around, walking off. I stood, watching him.
"You know how you can make this hurt less. Just say the word," Scarlett said.
"Optic nerve blocking," I paused, tears slipping out of my eyes, "on." Michael's body disintegrated as he entered his house. I let the tears fully flow, sobs coming out of my mouth. I put a hand to my mouth, trying to quiet myself.
"I didn't want this!" I sobbed, hugging my body.
"It was inevitable," Scarlett said, placing a hand on my shoulder.
I shook her away. "Was it? Was it really?" I shouted.
"It was," Scarlett sternly said.
"Even if I told him about you? If I gave up my other goal?" My voice was a whisper now. I wanted to believe that there was a different way this could have gone.
"You couldn't have changed this outcome." Part of me didn't believe her, but then I thought, why would she lie to me? I bought her... she was supposed to do what I wanted. If she said this was the only outcome, then this was the only outcome. The door of Michael's house opened again, but out walked Jeremy this time, a backpack on his back and his squip following him. The squip looked to me, then nudged Jeremy. Jeremy looked over to me.
"Amanda!" I was about to run away, before deciding differently. I couldn't avoid Jeremy forever. He jogged to me. "Can we talk?"
I rubbed the tears from my face. "Fine, talk."

Word Count; 2765

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2019 ⏰

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