"Fetch me my shirt then," he said and reached his arm towards a closet in the corner.

"Any magic word you wanna say?"

"Uhm? No?"

I crossed my arms over my chest and tapped my foot, looking around the room.

Waiting for the magic word.

Cream colored walls, blood red curtains and matching pillows, white blankets. The couches and the pit was black, but the floor down here held a thick, black carpet.

It was funny thinking the four of them decorated this room themselves.

I'm also surprised that there aren't any pink stuff because of Cana!

I was half expecting to see a big, pink princess bed with fluffy pillows and teddies.

Colt groaned again and muttered something into the pillow.

"What?" I cupped the back of my ear. "What was that? Did you say something?"

"Please! Please, please, please, fetch me my shirt!" he said loudly. "And if you didn't hear that, something's wrong with your hearing."

I stuck my tongue out at him and made my way over to the closet.

When I opened it, it was 6 different shelfs in it. Each one held a note with their names on them, Colt's shelf was on top and out of my reach.

I stood up on my tip toes and managed to graze a shirt, but I couldn't reach it completely.

Why does he have to be so freaking tall?!

"Damn it," I muttered and started slightly jumping, trying to reach it. Failing miserably may I add.

Colt came up behind me and snaked his arm around my waist, pulling me close to his bare chest. He nuzzled my skin and muttered into the crook of my neck; "Here, I'll help ya shorty."

While still nuzzling, he reached his arm up and grabbed the shirt without any problems.

He started kissing and licking my soft spot, slightly nibbling too. A light moan made its way out and his hold around me tightened.

"Breakfast! It's getting cold! Drag your asses up here and stop doing whatever you're doing!" Amber yelled at the top of her lungs.

Colt groaned and turned me around, pressing my hips into the shelfs behind me. "We'll finish this sometime," he muttered and pressed his lips onto mine.

I love this feeling!

"There you are, finally!" Amber said when we entered the kitchen.

She'd set the table already. A bouquet of tiny garden flowers decorated nicely in the middle of the table. Cana was seated next to Nick, they were both waiting patiently

Five plates were set with forks and knives, even a white napkin on the side.

"Sit sit, lucky for you two that the bacon's still warm," Amber shot a glare at Colt while serving the bacon.

Colt put his hands up in surrender and looked down at the table.

3 bacon slices each, and those weren't small either!

"I got toast and eggs too!" Amber smiled brightly and served us the rest of our food.

I shoved the eggs onto my toast and cut myself a little piece. I don't usually eat breakfast because it usually held spit.

I put it into my mouth and chewed slowly to get a good taste. The egg melted into the toast and it was unbelievably good. "This is delicious, Amber!"

A Vampire's Pet #1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora