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     Weeks had passed and Jackson was staring at the closed casket before him. It was the day he was burying his best friend, the love of his life. He had never felt as alone as he did now.

They promised to survive together; to escape the horrors that was their families. He had vowed to protect her with every fibre of his body and if anyone stood in his way then god help them.

But it was all gone within a matter of moments. He had never gotten to say goodbye to his lifeline; to the rock that was keeping him fighting with every passing day.

He hated her that day. She chose to act like everything was fine when she knew that she couldn't hold on any longer. She gave him false hope. But Jackson couldn't hate her for long.

He loved her with all his heart and he never had a chance to tell her. Now he was swallowing in guilt and regret. If he had stayed longer or told her sooner then she could still be right there beside him.

There would be no funeral and certainly no goodbyes. They would be together just like he wanted. They would die lying together, just like the old couple in The Notebook. He hated the movie but he always watched as it brought joy to her.

     Now it was all gone.

     Once everyone had left, Jackson had stayed in the room for a moment longer. Long enough to open the casket and place a single ring on her lifeless finger. "I love you, Ash." Jackson whispered to no one. "Always and forever."

     Ashley stood beside the lonely male, her hand brushing against his. She knew he wouldn't be able to feel her but it was comfort to her nonetheless.

The female was no longer in pain and though she knew that Jackson would hate her for leaving, she had finally felt more alive then she ever did.

She could feel the blinding light against her skin and she knew it was time to go. However, she didn't leave until Jackson had left the room and the engagement ring was on her ring.

     "I love you too, Jackson."

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