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A week had passed and Jackson grew more worried, yet he didn't know why. He knew she was safe, but he still couldn't shake that worried feeling. So here he was, impatiently waiting by their favourite lake. It's not like he had already been waiting for a hour, in the end, he knew that she would show up. She always did. But this time was different. He didn't know what was wrong, if there was anything wrong.

"I'm so sorry I'm late" she came up behind him, wrapped his around his neck and kissed his cheek. That was their typical greeting. She sat down next to him, but not as near as she used to. He glanced over at her and faintly saw her left eye that covered in a bruise. He lightly touched it and she immediately flinched.

"What happened?" His voice was gentle, not like his usual voice.

"I tripped over the rug" she glanced at him. Of course she was lying, and he knew that. But they didn't carry on with the subject.

"So are you dating anyone?" He smirked at her, nudging her playfully, changing the subject. She blushed and shook her head.

"Are you?" She took his hand and started playing with it.

"You remember Lydia?"

"Martin?" She asked.

He nods, looking at her then looks down at her hand playfully with his. "Well yeah, I'm dating her"

She immediately looks up and gave him a look. "You're dating her? The schools biggest bitch?" She shook her head, putting her hand back on her lap.

"Are you mad at me?" He wanted to take her hand and hold it in his. He wanted her to be his, but that was impossible. She didn't like him the way he liked her.

She shook her head, looking at her lap. "I'm not mad, I'm just surprised" she blurted out, before she couldn't even stop them.

"Surprised why?" He looked at her.

She just shook her head again, saying nothing. She glances at him then looks at the lake.

Jackson sighed and gave her a side hug. "I'm sorry Ash"

She looks at him "I need to go" she mumbles then gets up and walks away, without any goodbye or one last look.

vain ➸ jackson whittemoreWhere stories live. Discover now