Chapter: 3

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Jay Soo's POVs

I woke up in the morning I felt like I was in my bed.. I was confused about what happened last night I think someone carried me to my bed.. but I just shrugged it of and I went to the bathroom to take a bath.. After I'm done I took my crop top paired with a jeans..

I'm done with my clothes and make up.. I put a light make so my face won't look pale.. I went downstairs and I hear that all of them are in the dining table.. I think they're waiting for me.. I went to the dining table and I was greeted with the excited look by the twins.. "Why are you looking at me like that Oppa and Unnie? Is there something on my face?" I look at them while touching my face like something is wrong with it...

"No you're just too pretty" Unnie Joy said while chuckling.. "Sit down now.. we have to discuss something" oppa said asking me to take a sit beside Hyunri Unnie.. As I sat oppa started talking about something that made us stop from what we are doing "This monday, me and your unnie are planning that we will have a one week trip to Thailand.. and That time we will have our bonding siblings time.. And no one will be staying here"

"What?! Jinjja oppa? Unnie?" We all said it in chorus because we're all shookt..
"So start packing tonight and we're going to the airport at 7:00 am tomorrow because our flight is on 8:00 am. So all of us must be awake at 5:30 in the morning because we need to check our things that we need for the trip" Unnie said. She then started eating and what?! I can't believe it.. that place is one of my favourite place that I always wanted to go..

After we eat as usual we went out to do our own business and Of course the twins is busy doing their work in the company.. Well right now I'm outside to have fun with myself.. I went into a cafe that is near to where I am just earlier.. As I went inside the cafe, I bumped into someone's chest and I fell on the ground.. He then help me stood up and he said "Ouh.. sorry miss.. I didn't see you there" the man apologize at me and I just say "Its okay"... then he let me sit on one of the table that is empty..

"Here take these.. Accept it as my apology" he gave me a drink and I kindly accept it..
"I'm really sorry about earlier miss. By the way, I'm Kim Joon Myeon but you can call me Joon myeon.. Nice to meet you" he gave me his warm smile and let his hand out to shake my hand.. I shake his hand while saying " I'm Kim Jay Soo. And yeah it's nice to meet you too"

Suddenly, his phone started to ring and he answered it by asking for excusing his self for a minute.. he ended the call and look at me while saying "It's really nice to meet you Jay Soo-ssi but I have to go now.. Hope we can meet again" he said while waving his hand at me.. I just smile and bid to him too..

Third person's POVs

They were all at home, getting ready for tomorrow and started packing their things up.. the twins is just quiet while doing their work same as Hyunri but Ara and Jay soo, they are like crazy because they pack their things while shouting at each other.. well youngs you know.. very excited to go there.. thats why they like that.

"Unnie!! Where is my favourite snickers?" Jay Soo said shouting at Ara.. "I don't know!! Your the one who where it not me and besides its yours not mine so ask yourself" Ara replied back making the young girl annoyed... "Unnie I know you have it just give it back!" "Oh My Gosh! I told you I didn't took it! Just ask the Unnies" Ara said.. Jay Soo just obeyed her because Ara sounds irritated because of her antics..

"Ouh.. Unnie.. Have you seen my favourite snickers.. I just ask Ara unnie but she said she didn't took it" Jay Soo said while thinking where did she put it last night "I don't know too honey.. Just try to find at the shoes rack.. maybe you put it there" Jiy Yoon suggest her to look at the rack then she remembered that she did put it at the shoes rack.. "Thanks unnie.. Now I remember where I put it.. You're my hope. Hehe"

As she walk away the elder just smile at her actions.. the way she ask Ara earlier is so cute.. she really hope that she is like that forever.. Joy Yoon thought about why Jay Soo is so naughty and always disobeyed their parents.. but Joy Yoon just shrug it away from her thoughts and focus on packing her stuff for tomorrow.. After all of them are done.. They went downstairs to eat their dinner.. after that they went upstairs again and take a rest for tomorrow's trip..


Hyunri's POVs

I woke up earlier like what Unnie said.. but when I got out from my room to check if someone is already in the living room but I found none.. I look at the clock and its nearly 5:40 am already.. So I went to oppa's room to wake him up.. and then to Joy unnie then the youngers.. After I wake them up, I went back to my room to take a shower..

I'm done with all, make up,Clothing and yeah my things.. now its already 6:40 am... 10 minutes left before we go to the airport.. I then check back my things in my sling bag and check my luggage and I have all I need for the trip.. I just need to wait for the time.. I'm a bit excited because Finally even just for a week we still spend some time.. I hope we have a nice trip this week..


Another chapter guys... hope you guys like it and yeah please vote and comment.. Sorry for the wrong grammar and spelling

♡Thank you so much and sorry.. Bye!♡

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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