Chapter 2

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A/N: Hey guys!!! Chapter 2 here! Sorry, it's so late, been going through some stuff and just life lol. So some new characters will be introduced, but not a whole lot as I still wanna save the suspense for later chapters. Anyway, enjoy and comments and critiques are welcome!


The morning light came in through the window, highlighting Izuku's face and slightly having him stir in his sleep. He eventually woke up to several thuds against his window, slightly scaring him awake. A groan escapes through his lips as he stretches and reluctantly gets out from under his covers. Damn whoever is down there, I was warm. He thought to himself before opening the window and almost getting impaled with a rock thrown at him. "Oops! Sorry, Deku! I wasn't expecting you to open the window so quietly," Uraraka quickly spouts out, bowing her head in an apologetic way.

Izuku grunts while rubbing his head. "Yeah yeah. It's fine. Maybe just look where you are lobbing rocks at next time. What are you doing here so freaking early though?"

She giggles before holding up a paper similar to what he read yesterday. His eyes widened as he quickly slammed the window shut and raced down the hallway with his traveling bag, running into his family kitchen to grab some snacks for the road. However, before he can do so, he runs right into Lady Midnight and almost made her drop the books she was carrying.

Lady Midnight had been in Izuku's family for as long as he could remember. She helped his mom run the bookstore/bakery while also just keeping up with the everyday tasks around his house. He considered her to be like an older sister or aunt since she helped take care of him when he was very little.

She rolls her eyes and looks at him pointedly to the point where he was almost cowering in fear. "S-s-sorry Midnight. Guess I got too excited," he stuttered out, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment.

She smirked playfully before switching the books in her arms to be carried in one so she could ruffle his hair. He groaned slightly and she chuckled. "Oh, Izuku. You just never know when to stop, do you? Well...your mom is in the kitchen. Tell her bye before you leave okay? I'll handle the aftermath."

He nodded slowly before moving out of the way and allowing her to go past. He watched her walk down the hallways some before turning to see his mother sitting at the dining room table, her eyebrows furrowed in conflict. He quietly walked in, trying not to disturb his mother in thoughts when he heard slight sniffling. He stayed frozen in his tracks as if it was almost too painful to keep walking.

Inko looked up and wiped her eyes quickly once she finally noticed her only child standing in the doorway. "Ah, Izuku. Sorry about that, I had a bit of dust in my eye," she mumbled, trying to convince him.

He only nodded, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. He knew his mother would often lie to him about her feelings, trying to spare him from the harsh reality that was their lives. "Midnight told me you would be in here. I was actually just about to head out. Uraraka is waiting for me outside," Izuku mentioned as he began to pack food and water for the days ahead.

Inko gently smiled at him. She hated the fact he had to go, knowing that their secret could be revealed at any moment on this trip was a big risk to take. She knew once people found out, he would be taken advantage of, however, she put her full faith and trust in her son and hoped he would understand why she hid everything from him. "Ah yes, I was wondering if that was her earlier. I actually have a few things to tell you along with one final gift before you go."

Izuku pauses and places his hands by his side. Usually, when his mom says something along those lines, it isn't a good thing. "Um, mom? What do you mean a few things?"

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