Jungkook motioned for him to continue speaking.

"As I was saying," Hoseok sat down in a random chair "Jeon Jungkook, age 21," Hoseok pointed at him "Meet-"

"Hoseok!" The door was kicked open and in came a frantic looking Mina "We got a puppy hit by a bike accident!" She shouted and Hoseok didn't waste a single second as he bounced up from the plastic chair and ran out of the break room.

"Get the bed ready Myoui!"

So now Jungkook and blondie were left alone in the break room. Jungkook looked up at him, he must say he was quite handsome. If it weren't for Jungkook's inner turmoil about being loyal to his soulmate (that made him roll his eyes) he would have definitely gotten his number.

The male waved his hand awkwardly "Hi there Jeon Jungkook," he said and Jungkook picked up a hint of an accent- or maybe a dialect, anyway the male smiled slightly "My name's-" as if the world didn't want Jungkook to hear his name, the nameless male started coughing.

Jungkook heard him mutter the lines of "fucking christ I am dying" in between his coughs. After they finally died down, he straightened up his back, stuck out his hand and said:

"Hi my name is Bang Chan (a/n that was anticlimactic af, wasn't it?) and we're the same age."

Jungkook shook his hand, and yup Bang Chan was definitely shorter than him. He sent him a smile "I hope we get along well, new partner." Jungkook said and that made the other send him a dimple filled smile.


"So found your special one yet?" Chan asked as they were cleaning their hands after a wild checkup with a cat. Jungkook had been scratched on his bicep as the cat had used him as a launching pad while she tried to escape.

Jungkook cringed at the question but tried to not show it. He shook his head "No. Not really," He threw away the no wet paper "I've been waiting for a while now, so I am waiting for when it hits me that I might not actually have one."

Chan grimaced "Oof, that's rough," He too threw the paper away and they sat down to eat. Jungkook pulling a sandwich from the 7Eleven located beside the clinic, while Chan had a whole homemade meal.

"What about you?" Jungkook asked after he had swallowed a piece of the somewhat moist bread.

The way Chan's face lit up could have been compared to a Christmas tree. His eyes shone and he quickly chewed and swallowed his food before talking "yes! I was one of the few lucky people who actually knew my soulmate before actually knowing it was him," Normally at this talk, Jungkook would scowl, but today he found himself smiling "Him and I have been best friends since I moved here, which is now 8 or 7 years. Not going to lie," Chan sighed "I hoped every day that he would end up being mine and- Oh I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay," Jungkook gave him a reassuring smile "Continue." Chan smiled and continued talking. Jungkook paid attention to how his eyes lit and how he bounced slightly in his seat. It was adorable if you asked Jungkook.


Jungkook wanted nothing but to collapse into his bed and sleep. His feet were dying after finish his shift at the bowling place. But, first, he really needed food. He spotted a convenience store and ran up to it, it was practically empty. Jungkook smiled at the girl sitting behind the cash register and headed right over to the snack aisle. He picked up a few things and quickly went over to pay. The girl and he made a quick conversation about the recent weather and stuff that had happened in the city.

He bid goodbye and walked out into the chilly March night air. The sky was cloud free so every star could clearly be seen, Jungkook hummed in content and started to walk. He didn't get far as he felt a body ram into his. He nearly fell, but he managed to stay on both of his feet. He looked around to see that the person he had run into had not been that lucky and had fallen onto the ground.

The boy looked up at Jungkook and Jungkook stared back.

"Hey! Stop it you!"

The boy gave a gummy smile, jumped up from the ground and dusted off his knees. The fabric ripped exposing his knees to the cold air, they were also bruised. With his smile still on his lips, he patted Jungkook's shoulder "Sorry, didn't see ya there, don't wear black while walking in the dark," Then he took off running just as two females showed up and chased him down the street.

Jungkook blinked confusedly. he had caught two things from this encounter. One is that the boy had a nice smile, and two being that he was from Daegu. Judging from the hint of dialect as spoke.

Jungkook had a talent of picking up in dialects.

"What the hell?" Jungkook muttered to himself and started up his walking again.

He had this feeling that he would be seeing that male again.


I have been a little off since I have been quite busy with school- that's kinda a lie, but I have been trying- so updates for all my stories have been bleh. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I am sorry if it's a little messy.

Just to clear something up if it was confusing: Jungkook used to be a veterinarian major but h dropped out. He did that for around for years, then he picked up dance. Hoseok gave him that promotion since Jungkook had been working at that clinic ever since he was studying and was actually close to finishing up.

Also it hit me today that Chan of skz, Chan of a.c.e and Jungkook are all the same age. 

Arwen out~

No need for paper - YoonKookحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن