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Well thanks to one Sleepless_stories18 have been tagged so let's get on with this


1: I don't think I'm a very good writer (seeing as how this book has immensely dropped in readers and I lost interest in writing my other two books)

2: I'm Christian

3: I'm a horrible drawer

4: My favorite Marvel Superhero is Spider-Man and my favorite DC Superhero is The Flash

5: I don't know if my editor is alive or just immensely lazy seeing as they haven't edited since I think a bit before January

Another one because that technically isn't a fact about me.

5.5: I am single. Both in relationships and friends

6: I play PS4 and have completed all of Spider-Man PS4 (the main story and DLCs)

7: I play some piano and violin as well as sing

8: I'll tell you my name when this book reaches 10,000 reads (which will never happen)

9: I was just watching Spider-Man: Homecoming again when my computer started hating me and turned off.

And 10: My top 3 favorite anime are

1: Voltron Legendary Defender

2: SAO (Including the movies and Alicization and the GGO season)

3: Tokyo Ghoul (yes including re:)

I'm not going to condemn 28 people to do this but I will do a few


Hershey_Maknae (my "editor")








The Joke

Roses are Red

Violets are Blue

I have 5 fingers

The middle ones for you

Don't know if that's a joke but I'm going to count it.

Now with the spoiler

The room was engulfed in silence until someone spoke.

"How could you do this-" ? were cut of.

"I-I'm sor-ry" / said while starting to cry.

The same person as before responded.

"How could you do this to us, to me?"

Then | spoke to /

"You are not welcome here anymore. You have 10 minutes to pack your things, then get out. I don't care what happens to you, just as long as you are gone, and don't come back."

Well not that this is over, bye!

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