Return of Y/n

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Shiro's POV

After we put Y/n in the capture pod, we tried to access his memories and surprisingly it worked. In a few Vargas we went through his memories but it glitched for a second, it didn't give us a memory that was... not what we expected.
"Where am I?! LET ME GO!" Y/n screamed as he tried to get out.
"You're not getting out for a long time Y/n. Now answer our questions." Allura said but Y/n stayed silent
"What happened to you on that ship after I escaped?" asked Shiro intently
"I was given another chance to live by my grandfather Zarkon."
"What exactly are you?" Pidge asked
"Many things, I am both Galran and Altean, as well as human." Y/n Responded
"How is that possible?" Both Pidge and Allura said in harmony
"Now what happened to your eye?" Hunk asked
"Then why follow him?"
"I don't know.."
Y/n then started screaming in pain and agony as his eye glowed pure white.
"What's happening to him?!" Shiro asked
"I don't know! It's like his eye is self destructing inside of itself!" Pidge exclaimed
"What will that do to him?!" Shiro asked
"I think I can turn it off if I can get into it's mainframe!"
All of the sudden it turned off all by itself the weird thing was, Y/n was crying. Not tears but blood.
"Get him to a healing pod now!" Coran yelled.


"What? How is that possible?" Doran asked.
"What is it?" Keith looked over at Doran.
"The ship is starting a wormhole jump!"
"Allura, what's going on?" Shot I asked.
"We're going to Altea. We're going home. My father is taking us."
"Stay away from my daughter!" King Alfors voice rang through the speakers.
"Uh..." Hunk looked confused.
"Allura, wake up!" Shirk yelled.
"The crystal must have corrupted King Alfor's artificial intelligence. It's taking over!" Doran panicked.
"We're headed straight for a star and it's about to explode!" Pidge screamed.
"Father, I can see Altea."
"Allura! Allura, wake up! What you're seeing isn't real." Doran looks at Allura
"The juniberries, the most exquisite flower of all."
"Allura, please! You've got to listen to me!"
"Is this real?" Alluras eyes woden
"Of course it is real, Daughter. That flower you're touching is real." Alford voice spoke again.
Doran speaks up again. "But where is the fragrance of the sweet juniberries?"Allura sniffs the fake flower.
"Huh? That's not Altea."
Purge speaks up. "When that star goes supernova, it will destroy the entire system. Allura, you must reset the course and get us out of here!"
"Father, please, I beg you to turn this ship around. If we don't do it soon, we will all perish!"
"I know. That is my intention."
Allura panics. "What? Why?"
"Don't you see, dear daughter? Zarkon can never be defeated. He's been ruling for ten thousand years."
"But we must continue to fight!"
"Fight for what? It is all over for Altea. You don't have to live a lifetime of war. You can be with me and the rest of your people."
"Father, please! The paladins and I can still stop Zarkon! Somewhere in there, you must want that to happen." Allura cries.
"Allura, my A.I. has been corrupted. You must disconnect my power source." His voice glitched before going back. "We can stroll across the Blossom Canyon every morning, just like we used to. Remember how much you loved that?"
"I remember. I'll see you soon, Father. I've got to get into the A.I. chamber to disconnect my father's power source manually."
"But that means losing King Alfor forever!" Corans eyes widen.
"Paladins, get to your Lions! I need you to slow the Castle's descent into the star."
"I can try to override the system to open the hangars." For an runs to the controls.
King Alfors voice shifts. "Don't do this!"
"You must." "All my memories, all my knowledge will be lost forever!" "Do it, Allura. If you are to live, we must say goodbye."
:"I'm sorry about this, Father. Huh?"
"Oh, my dear daughter..."Allura and Alfor start laughing.
Memories of when Allura was younger play.
"This is not real. This is all in the past." Alfor plays deeper childhood memories. But one shows a younger version of Y/n playing with young Allura.
"You don't have to fight, Allura. You don't have to make this sacrifice."
"Goodbye, Father."
"Goodbye, Allura."
"She did it." Coran sighs. Then the alarms went off.
"Paladins, get to your hangars. We're getting out of here."
"I'm so sorry about your father, Princess." Shiro said
"We all are." All the paladins in unison
"Thank you. But that was not my father. The real King Alfor was a great man and a great father. He may not be here with us anymore, but his dream lives on through all of us, and his legacy is Voltron."
"Pidge, what happened to Y/n?"
"Uuuuummmm. We should probably go check on him."
A/n: Sorry for latish upload I usually upload right after it's finished editing but WiFi hates me and went down so ya sorry

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