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Heyo!! I know I haven't updated in FOREVERRRR but here is a little backstory as to how Allen and Olive actually met.

      Allen glanced over at a boy with platinum-colored hair that sparkled like stardust when the sunlight splashed across the room. The moment he saw him, he knew he was in big trouble. It was a dangerous thing, crushing on Olive Clark because nearly everyone else under the roof of the shoddy New York high school had the exact same feelings. Allen had been minding his own business, just trying to get to his next class, advanced calculus, when someone had nearly rammed into his side. He snapped his head up to scold the person but was completely silenced and utterly captivated by the face he saw. Bright blue eyes with flecks of gold that shimmered even under the cheap, dim hallway lights, freckles that looked like specks of cinnamon-flecked across that sharp, defined nose, Allen had been starstruck. The other student, Olive, frantically apologized, mentioning something about being late to AP poetry, then sped off down the hallway. Allen didn't even try to stop him.

      It was now the seventh period, which was Allen's favorite, seeing as this was the only class he shared with Olive. Unfortunately, he just couldn't pay attention whatsoever, and just kept looking over at Olive, soaking in the pure attractiveness that just seemed to radiate from the blonde. Every time he did so, his stomach seemed to flutter, and he felt as if he were soaring. He glanced once more and saw Olive glaring at his paper, his eyebrows furrowed in frustration. The teacher then told the class that they could work with a partner, and Allen almost immediately jumped out of his seat, and full on ran to Olive's desk. He looked the startled teenager in the eye and gave him an uncharacteristic, but very eager and bright smile,

"Need any help?"  

Yeah, I know, it's short, but this was for a creative writing class and the limit was two paragraphs. Chapter two is in progress!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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