Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

Demon Uindo versus Cerberus

All the sin demons stood on the opposite sides of the confined group of girls, and began walking towards the Reaper Tower. Back at the tower, Crow was wandering the tower with a black bird perched on his right shoulder.

"This entire union is going to hell," Crow sighed. "What is there to do?"

Crow stopped and leaned against the wall and looked up at the dimly lit light. Suddenly, Crow heard lowly growls, coming from opposite ends of the hall. Crow jumped from the wall, his bird squawked.

"Crow," a low growl snarled.

"Crow," a second low growl snarled.

"Crow," a third low growl snarled.

"Who's there?" Crow asked as he jumped off the wall.

Out of nowhere Daiyou, Seka, and Raikou came from the shadows, three times larger.

"You mutts!" Crow exclaimed as he was quickly cornered by the three dogs.

"What are you doing here?"

"We got awfully hungry, and decided to find you," Daiyou snarled.

"We knew you'd have a crow or two around," Seka growled.

"So be a good reaper, and give us some crows, or else we will feed on you," Raikou snarled.

"Crystal Fusion," Daiyou growled all three dogs turned to crystal powder, merged into one pile, and formed into Cerberus.

<I think I'll just have you to go, > Cerberus roared.

Crow looked up at the three headed demon dog in terror.

"You have to find me first," Crow said, "Darkness Hex Spell, Image Multiplication!" Crow shouted as dozens of Crow clones appeared.

Cerberus growled as he sniffed the air, searching out the real Crow.

"That won't help Cerberus, I perfected this hex spell from the last time we had our little encounter," all the Crow clones chuckled.

<You can't escape me, > Cerberus growled.

Cerberus let out a loud roar that filled the halls.

Crow laughed.

Cerberus began sniffing around the room. One head kept near the ground, the other stayed level with the Crow clones, and the other sniffed the air. Each clone avoided Cerberus any way possible. Cerberus then stopped. He turned into crystal powder, and disappeared into the cracks.

All of a sudden, the clones fell to the ground gasping for air. Each clone began to disappear, until only one was left. Cerberus then reappeared right above Crow. He then put his paw on top of Crow, slowly crushing his body.

"What do you want to know?" Crow asked.

<I don't want anything, all I want is for you to suffer, > Cerberus growled as he leaned in closer to Crow.

Out of nowhere, Daemon came from the shadows.

"Cerberus," Daemon chuckled. "I've been looking for you."

Cerberus let up on Crow. Crow then disappeared into the shadows.

Cerberus turned to catch the dark blue glowing eyed gaze of Daemon. Cerberus growled as he hunched his back, and lowered his heads as he met the gaze at eye level.

"Cerberus, come to me, and rule by my side, as my pet, I can grant you so much more than Lucious or Reaper could ever grant you," Daemon smirked.

<Sorry, > Cerberus barked. <I only know one true master, and that is Lucious Okami, the Frost Reaper. >

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