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Y'all I'm sorry but I can't even explain how much I've been through I lost my uncle and seeing how your mom and everyone cry and how their affected hurts so much and I'm still in pain and other shit has happened to me that I can't explain but ...I've have done shit to myself physically and only 1 person knows and they hate that I did it but shit is hard it's hard going through it I've been keeping a lot of shit in through the last 2 months I haven't updated but... This time was worse... But anyways I wanna say I might not update

Now the story

H: do you guys have nuts

Flight attendant: what kind of nuts

H:  I'll have all the nuts ouu and can I
have the kiesh

Flight attendant: ( hands her the nuts and kiesh )

H: y'all got any soup

Flight attendant: would you like chicken soup beef soup vegetable-

H: I want all the soup

Flight attendant:( makes a face)

coming... Right up ( walks away)

B: can I get some nuts ( reached for them )

H-( slaps his hand) dont touch my nuts

B:( looks at her) damn

H: I'm hungry ( sniffs)  do you smell cake

B:( chuckles) Hailey your scaring me

H: why( shoves nuts in her mouth)

Flight attendant: here is the first bowl of soup ma'am ( hands it to her)

H:(shoves the rest of the nuts in her mouth and take the soup)

Flight attendant: I remember when I started having my cravings

H: huh

Flight attendant: well your pregnant arnt you

H/ B:( laugh)

H: I'm not pregnant

B: yeah my pullout game is strong as fuck

H: well it was weak one time

B: yeah but I wore a condom

Flight attendant: all I'm saying is to get checked out ( walks away)

H:( mocks her )  all I'm saying is to get check out ... ( Mumbles) bitch

B( laughs) relax

H:( looks at her stomach ) I'm not pregnant..I am not ... Uh oh

B: uh oh what

H:(leans over and throws up on his shoes)

B: aww man! I told you not to eat all this nuts  ( rubs her back )


Rose: my problem is that I'm with Carlos but I don't want to be with Carlos. I want to be with alex but me being with the teacher will never work out you know what I mean ?

Gio:( sleeping )

Rose: anyways back to Carlos

C:( listening)

Rose: he hurts me and he's a jackass but I feel bad for the guy you know everyone hates him except for Olivia because she's a hoe but I feel like if he settled down with the right girl he wouldn't be such a jackass I have to leave him ... Right?

Gio:( snoring)

Rose: I'll leave him as soon as we get back to my place I'll leave him

C:( looks out the window)

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