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Olivia-( knocks on the door)
A- who the fuck is that
C-(stands up) my 8 o'clock appointment(opens the door)
Olivia-(Walks in)
A- Carlos what the fuck
B- you a stripper( blows our the smoke)
C- dont be a pussy Hamid ( sits down) she agreed to strip for me whenever I wanted
Olivia-( does on Carlos leap and takes off his shirt)
C- nice skirt baby
Olivia- I'm glad you like it(whispers) because there's nothing under it
A- I can't believe this
C- Brandon is entertained
A-Brandon is to high to realize what's going on
Olivia-( gets off Carlos and walks towards alex) c'mon sir ( times his hands and unhook her bra with them) dont kill the party ( kisses his ear and puts her bra in his hand)
A- fuck Olivia
B- this is bad right
A- I can't do this
Olovia-( kisses his neck) let it happen mr. Guzman
C- yeah Hamid just let it happen
A- no get out! Now!
C- alright Olivia- let's take this to my room Brandon you coming
B- nah I'm gonna chill with mr. Guzman
C- more as for me-( eagles out with Olivia)
A- ( throws the bra in the garbage)
B- falls on the bed) I'm high aunt I
A- yup
B- my girlfriend is gonna kill me isnt she
A- yup
B- 4 plus 4 isn't 44 is our
A- no Brandon
B- ( books) thank God I thought I was losing it


Natalie- ( pudding tea for go)
( natalie is Chris's sister)
Ch- she hasn't spoken to anyone since her incident
B- what happened
Ch-( looks at natalie)
Natalie-( nods and walks to the kitchen)
Ch- you remember you're friends Carlos
B- yeah
Ch- will he used to date my sister I thought they were a happy couple at least that's what they made it look like my sister had left the country for university and she met Carlos in California she told me that at  the beginning he was an angel then he started being physical with her he would beat heart and force her into doing domestic work he made get walk around his place completely naked even when he had people let one day she called and said she never wanted to come back I found that's suspicious so I begged my papa to let me visit get I found out Carlos place and lucky he wasnt there at the time I knocked on the door and saw my sister naked and bruises all over her body I told her we were leaving and she got all her stuff and we ran we never saw Carlos again....... until now
Natalie-( peaks from the stairs)
G-( looks at her) is that true
Natalie-( nods)
G- ( stands up and hugs her)
Ch- I hope you do not mind I told her about rosalinda
Natalie-( grabs a pen and paper and starts writing and shows it to gio)
G-( reads it) help her...( looks at her) thank you
Natalie- ( nods)
Ch- I'll walk u out


A- I'm dying on the inside ( closes his eyes)
B- oh my God I'm so horny ( pouts)
A- me to
B- where the fuck Is hailey.... I miss her and her soft lips and her big tits
A- brandin I'd rather not hear about your girlfriends assets
B- easy for u to say rose has a fat-
A- finish that sentence and I'll break your neck
B-( looks away)


Olovia- ( giggles ) stop
C-( smiles) dont tell me to stop
Olivia- no seriously Carlos stop touching me ( stands up)
C- c'mon Olivia Dont act like that( grabs her)
Olivia- let go of me

Moments later

H- you what ughhh come on mr. Guzman( walks towards Brandon
A- I didn't think or would be a problem I didn't know he would get this high
H- ya well now you know( let's Jack off the bed and press his arm over her shoulder and walks out)
R- ( watches them leave them close the door)
A- ( fidgets his fingers )
R-( lots hours chin and kisses him)
A( pulls away) is it hot in here( fans himself)
R- ok Alex what is going on with you do you not want top lies me
A- what? No baby I m sorry( pulls get on his lap) I just..... missed you tonight really really missed you
R-( smiles) I missed you tonight to( hold his cheek)
A- ( kisses her)
R-( kisses him back )
A- (starts kiss)
R-( looks behinds him and makes a face) Alex
A-( kisses her neck) mhm
R- what is that
A-( stops kissing her) what
R- stands up and walks to the garbage)
A-( mumbles) shit

Y'all I might not continue this book I'm really not paying attention to it and I feel bad bc you guys want me to continue so it's your guys disigion should I continue?

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