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Ch- je t'aime
G- ouuu that sounds nice what does it mean
Ch-( laughs) you really dont know
G- dont laugh i never really paid attention to French ( laughs)
Ch- it mean this ( kisses him)
G-( kisses him back and pulls back) Ouuu i like that definition
Ch-( laughs)
C-( walks in and looks at them)
Nope nope none of that in my room!
G- excuse you this is my room too ( stands up) and where have you been
C- dont worry ( looks at Chris)
Ch- ( looks away) gio we should leave
C-( smirks)
G- why
Ch-( stands up) listen to me ok
G- o-okay
Ch-( grabs his hand and walks out the room)
G- whats wrong? Your scared of Carlos
Ch- yes and tou shoukd to how do u know him
G- hes Rosalindas boyfriend..... Wait how do u know him
Ch- i have a suster he used to...
C-( walks outand folds his arms)
Ch- i will call u ( walks away)
G- wait what why
C-( chuckles)
G- what is your problem what did u do
C-( moves his shoulders) imma go check on Rose ( walks to tye elevator)
G- what the hell ( walks inside)

Moments later

H-( laughs and opens the door) Carlos?
C- hello hailey( looks behind her) rose
R-( looks away and closes her suitcas)
H-( walks out and closes the door)
C-( locks the door)
R-( stands up and tries to run to the restroom)
C-( grabs her arm and chuckles) awww where you going
R- anywhere away from your abusive ass. Let go your hurting me
C-( signs) babygirl that wasnt very nice was it? ( runs his fingers through her hair)
R- ( moves away) dont trust me. As soon as this trip is over. Im calling the cops on ur ass
C- aww but if you do that a certain someone is ginna tell them all about your relationship with your teacher and you dont want that do you
R-( looks at him)
C- didnt think so ( chuckles) heres what your gonna do. Your gonna go to your litle boyfriend and tell him you cant see him anymore. Tell him its not working out and you don't want him in ur life
R- no!
C- oh really? Whats beyter new title ' local student heard to be preganate by simple teacher' or. ' 18 year old or walking std' ( chuckles)
R- fuck you
C- gradly. Do as i say or i see alex in court in a matter of days
R-( looks at him)
C-its your choi-
R-( spits in his face)
C-( pulls away)
R-( runs into the restroom and locks the door)
C-( wipes his face and bangs on the door) your gonna fucking oay for thay
R- what was that i cant hear you behind this locked door bitch!
C-( shakes the doorknob) stupid bitch unlock the door
R- calling me bitch wont helo your situation( sits on the counter)
C-( kicks the door)


A-( in his room smoking weed)
G-( knocks on the door)
A- who is it
G- its gio i have to talk to you!
A-( put out his blunt and throws it out the window and opens the door)
G-( coughs) Jesus Mr.Guzman how much weed have you smoked
A- how did you know
G- aside from the presen paten pleasant smell? ( raises his eyebrow)
A-( moves aside) come in
G-( walks in) ate you trying to forget about rose
A-( closes the door) did you need something
G-( sits on the bed) i heard you and carlos are bestfriend
A-( moves his shoulders) something like that
G- does he have a history
A- of what
G- ( moves his shoulders) anything what did you guys do before you drifted apart has he done anything bad or illegal
A- well....we were both smoked a bunch of Weed , for laid, smoked more weed...there was this one time he had a girl over, she didn't speak English only French and wet were so drunk and i looked over at het body and she looked terrified but i was to drunk to notice. And i notice she had a bunch of bruises All over her body-
G- oh my god carlos hit her!
A- ( looks at him) ....i shouldnt be telling you this get out!
G-wait Chriswas acting suspicious and I'm worried for roses safety
A- carlos is a changed man gio rose is completely sa-
G- she had a bruise
G-( looks down)She has a bruise on her thigh....and get lower back....hailey saw them and rose wont say what happened
A-( breaths and runs his fingers through his hair)where is she


C- rose? Rosalinda please open the door....
R-( looks away from the door)
C-i fucked up rose im sorry I'm really sorry it won't happen again
R-( jumps of the counter) how do i know your not lying
C-come to the door
R-( slowly walks to the door)
C- im sorry i won't touch you....i promise
R- ( touches the door handle)
C-( shakes the handle) Rosalinda open the door!
R-( breathes and walks away)
R- you're a liar ( treats up) you lied you said your were sorry
C-yeah so fucking what? Cry me a river and open the Goddamn door our i swear to god I'll break it
R-( couches and starts crying)
C-( bands in the door) ROSE!
R-( covers her ears)
A-( knocks on the door) Carlos! Open the door!
C- no!
A- Carlos Open the fucking door!
C- i said no bitch
A- gio gio call security
G-( runs to the elevator)
A- rose are you ok
C- shutup! Rose open the door
A- Rosalinda. What ever you do, do not open that door!
R-( crying with her eyes closed) go away everyone go away
A- rose ill help you i won't hurt you i promise
C- shut the fuck up
A- take it easy carlos. Whathappened to my bestfriend
C- hey the fuck out of here hamid!
A- derek open the door and you can have her
C- what?
Student-( walks into the hall) sir what's going on
A- nothing just go back in your rooms ok? Well talk during tomorrow's tour
Everyone- ( goes to their rooms)
A- Carlos listen . if you want her you can have her. Just calm down and open the door
C- why? I've heard this sameshit before with that French bitch
A- im serious this time carlos. Relax and open the door.we'll go back to my room roll a couple blunts, talk it out....and she's all yours.
R-( cries evenharder and closes her ears)
C- ( unlocks the door and opens it)
A-( punches him)
C( falls to the ground)
R- no! ( unlocks the door and opens it)
A- its ok rose its safe now
R-( kneels next to carlos and shakes him) carlos c'mon!
A- Rosalinda whatare you doing( touches her shoulder)
R- no no no he's gonna Yall everyone! Shit ( wipes her trear)
A- tell everyone what?
R- Carlos!
C-( opens his eyes)
R- carlos can you hear me
C- ( nods)
R- good ok listen ( stands up and faces alex)
A- rose what are you doing
R- i can't see you anymore
R-( treats up) its not working....i dont want you in my life
A-( looks at her and wipes her tears)
R-( looks away)
A- ( walks out the room)
Security- que se passe-t-il?
A- false alarm ( tears up) you can go back( walks away)
C-( sits up against the wall)
R- your ok
C-yeah( chuckles) .....you did it
R-( nods)
C- you hate me....but you did it.....why
R- because...because i think i love him( sniffs) and i can't live knowing that i got him sent to jail for loving me
G-( walks in and looks at them) oh dear God please this cannot be happening( walks out)


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