🎶i want you so bad..🎶

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george nervously stepped out of his cherry red car, checking his cell to make sure ritchie sent his a text that he was ready.

as he nervously creeped up the steps toward ritchies house he fumbled with the rose in his hand and hastily knocked on the front door.

the door was swung open by the little ball of excitement, richard starkey.

he grinned widely at george. george returned the grin, looking down at ringos baby blue sweater with black skinny jeans.

"let's go!!" ringo yelled, dragging george towards his georges car, as if it were his own.


as they pulled back up to ringos house at 9 pm, george was about to get out of his car to get ringos door for hin and walk him to his house when ringo grabbed georges wrist.
"wait."he muttered

george stopped his movements and settled back into his seat, waiting for ringo to speak.

they sat there, in the dimly lit car with nirvana playing softly in the background. never once breaking eye contact.

ringo suddenly grabbed the back of georges neck and pulled him into a passionate kiss.

george reacted immediately, hands flying to ringos hips. he kissed back as if it was going to be the last kiss he ever had.

ringo pulled away gently, resting his forehead against georges.

"i like that."

he whispered, a smile in his voice.

the george harrison, troublemaker extraordinaire, giggled at ritchies words, and whispered back.

"i like you."

ringo, now looking into georges darm eyes, a pink blush spreading over his cheeks mumbles,

"what am i to you?"

"you, richard starkey, if you accept the open invitation, are mine. and im yours."


ringo whispered, a shit-eating grin spreading over his face.

at this, george helps ringo out of the car, and walks him up to the door.. not letting his hand go for once second.

for fear if he lets go, he won't ever hold it again.

I Want You| 💕starrison💕 MODERN AUWhere stories live. Discover now