The rumble of the ships gears, and plates made the ground shake, and then in a mass flurry the said hell was freed... 

Thousands upon thousands of genetically engineered alien foot-soldiers who's only motivation was to kill pushed their way out of their metal cages. Their grotesque fanged teeth dripping with drool, and they had claws sharp like swords attached to their paws. 

The monstrous extraterrestrial beings mere puppets in the eyes of the Children of Thanos, devices created to do only one thing: kill. And, do whatever it takes to kill. 

Readying themselves the Wakandan's chanted together, their ritual before a fight ringing across the plains. 

"Yibambe! Yibambe!" They all cried out, slamming their spears against the ground in unison as the aliens charged their way to the dome on Proxima's command. 

The blue barrier in turn blocking them, but not sufficiently enough as the swarm grew. More and more of them slipping on in despite the barrier itself damaging them. The fiends bodies burning, getting mangled up horrendously as pieces of them got shredded apart, and yet... They still kept on coming. Not caring about the fact that they were killing themselves. 

The desire to kill so strong inside them that they didn't care that they were committing suicide just to get to the lineup of heroes. And, a couple stray monsters wrangled on in while the rest took to running along the edge of the dome in an attempt to circle around the border. The Outriders plan to get in around us. 

"Cap, if these things circle the perimeter, and get in behind us there's nothing between them and Vision." Bruce pointed out, clad in his Hulkbuster suit while Sam and Rhodey took to taking down the stray intruders that had already gotten through. 

"Well, then we better keep them in front of us." I heard Steve say. 

"On my signal. Open North-West section 17." The King ordered, granting entry to the monsters willingly. 

The blue force field neatly splitting apart in one clean cut, allowing the wrath of millions on in. 

"Wakanda forever!" The soldiers shouted before racing head on just as fast as the aliens were racing to them. The fight on the ground starting up in full swing, the body count rising by the minute. 

Alien limbs, and human blood being splashed all around the more intense it got. 

Lifting off, the Warcraft's landing gear slinking on into the under-carriage I took to the skies, my hand firm on the throttle. 

"I'll take out the dropships. Stop even more of those things from coming out." I spoke through my earpiece, gripping onto the gears while speeding into an Aileron roll, doing a full 360' spin before flying straight in between the barriers opening. 

The numbers in which the Outriders grew almost infinite. For with each one dead ten more followed making the battle ceaseless with no steps forward into getting anywhere. 

Glancing down at the fight below it looked to be almost futile, and I had to lessen the enemy numbers, so flying forward higher up I began to incessantly bomb the unguarded dropships with enough kinetic power to detonate them completely. 

The metal pyramid like structures one by one being blown up entirely with the Outriders still inside. The soaring pieces of broken apart, burning ship sailing down to the ground before ripping through the soil. 

The dual cannons I was firing wiping out the first containment ship, then the second, and then the third with ease. The fiery explosions spreading like a plume of fireworks, the wreckage plunging into the earth, and demolishing Wakanda's vegetation. 

Til Death Do Us Part.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt