Chapter One

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"Did you hear about Hinata?" Temari asked softly, messing with her wedding ring softly.

     Temari was in the kitchen and making some food for herself and her newly wedded husband. She smiled softly as she glanced at the ring. It wasn't extravagant which she liked. It was just a little silver band with small diamond on top—just enough to know it's there. The inside of the ring had the Nara symbol engaged in it. She smiled a little bit as she looked over at Shikamaru again. He was being his lazy self, spend across the floor and his head tucked into a pillow. She sighed softly and let to food cook and she walked over.

"Shikamaru?" Temari hummed gently.

"Hm...?" Shikamaru groaned.

"Get your lazy ass up! Did you hear me?" She groaned.

"Mmm woman shush. I didn't. Obviously if I didn't reply, I didn't hear you." He mumbled.

"I said, did you hear about Hinata?" She hummed.

"No, is there something wrong?"

     Temari shakes her head softly and smiled a bit. She walked right back to the kitchen and glanced back. She watched as her slowly got up and he seemed interested in this conversation. He follows into the kitchen and sat down at the table as he watched her cook. She was as beautiful as ever, he was crazy in love with that woman. No matter how bossy or stubborn—perfect. The lazy man smiled a bit slowly and watched her prepare his favorite food.

"What's with Hinata?" Shikamaru asked.

"Oh now you're interested~" Temari teased and gave her cocky grin.

"Well if it was something serious I'm sure Naruto would've told me." He said.

"Well maybe Naruto doesn't know yet. Girls talk ya know." She replied.

"What is it?" He asked again.

"She's pregnant. The girl's met up while everyone else were doing work things. She told us." She smiled a little as she talked.

"Wait..really?" He asked.

"Mhm." The blonde nodded slightly, "so is Sakura."

     Shikamaru sat there and thought about it a bit. He wondered if Naruto even knew yet, the blonde was an idiot so he probably didn't. Though he knew Naruto wanted a kid so it wasn't surprising how fast it happened. Hinata was sweet so she was probably gonna do a cute little thing to reveal to Naruto. But Sakura, already? Damn. He never took her or Sasuke as the type to have s baby fast. But if he remembered correctly, Sasuke was all about rebuilding his clan so having a baby seemed likely as well. He then glanced at his wife. He wondered how far along the two were. She slowly grabbed down a bowl and scooped some rice into it before putting the mackerel over and pouring some sauce with it. She came over and sat across her husband, setting the bowl down.

"How far along are they?" Shikamaru asked.

"A little bit so their husbands probably do know." Temari shrugged and started to eat.

"Ah.." He nodded and started to eat as well.

     The two are in silence for a while, both of them ate. It just seemed awkward now but they didn't mind. Shikamaru had a soft smile as he did because the food was amazing.

"I was thinking..." Temari had brokered the silence, "we should try to have a baby."

Shikamaru nearly choked, "w..what?"

"Well...Hinata and Sakura are already a couple months along. M..maybe we should try sometime. If you're ready for one. I am." She said softly.

"You're ready for a baby?" He asked.

"If you are, I am." She nodded.

"Let me think about it okay? We just married not too long ago. Let's figure that out first. Alright?" Shikamaru said back.

     Temari nodded in agreement with him. Even though Shikamaru was a bit unsure he didn't definitely didn't want his kid not being in the same class as the rest of them. And he really didn't want to be the last one to have a kid. Even though he was the first to lose his virginity it still would still be bad to have a kid last in the group. Naruto had beaten him already and he groaned. Even Sasuke. He sighed slowly and continued to eat. Naruto would have teasing rights if he had his kid last because even since Shikamaru lost his virginity to the pretty sand nin, he had the right to messed with Naruto. He smiled a bit and finished up, watching Temari take the plates and stick them in the sink to be washed later on. She came right back over and made herself comfortable in his lap, kissing him softly.

"I love you, Crybaby." Temari hummed softly and kissed him again.

"I love you too, you troublesome woman." Shikamaru smiled and kissed her right back.

      Temari slowly removed herself from his lap and walked upstairs to clean herself up. While she did that, Shikamaru decided to do something and wash the dishes for her. He scrubbed them down and smiled a little at the thought of having a little baby Nara tumbling around the house. He actually loved that idea but of course he wasn't too sure on it yet. He wasn't sure how a lazy guy like himself would've able to deal with a baby. But on the other hand, Temari wanted a little baby and he didn't want to disappoint her. He sighed a bit slightly and continued to wash the dishes, setting them to the side to dry. This was a drag to think about.

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