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Kari tried to sleep after Embry left, curling his shirt into her hands and arms, and sighed after a couple hours of lying in bed restlessly. She changed into jeans and pulled on Embry's shirt before leaving the house. Sam couldn't get mad at her for leaving the house if she stayed in La Push. She walked aimlessly before finding herself in front of the Call home. Kari took a deep breath before knocking softly on the door. She was surprised when Tiffany opened it, wearing a pair of shorts and a hoodie.

"Karina," she said in surprise. "It's early. Can I do anything for you?"

"Embry and Sam are busy," she said quietly. "I didn't want to wake up Emily. I didn't mean to wake you up, either."

"I was already awake," Tiffany said. "I just had this feeling about today."

"Me too," Kari whispered.

"Why don't you come in?" Tiffany suggested. "I have the day off."

Kari stepped into the small house and Tiffany closed the door behind her. "Would it be too weird if I spent the day here?"

Tiffany shook her head. "No. It'd be nice to have the company. Embry isn't around much these days."

Kari and Tiffany spent the day together. It was awkward for the first hour or so before things seemed to naturally fall into place and they acted as old friends. Tiffany was telling Kari about her childhood and painting the girl's toenails when Kari glanced out the window. She swore she saw purple smoke coming from the trees but shook off the thought. Later, when she was half asleep on the couch, the door opened as someone came crashing into the house. She sat up quickly, looking around, at the same moment Tiffany walked out of the kitchen.

"Embry Call, where have you been?" She demanded. Her tone instantly changed when she saw his face. "What's wrong?"

"It's Jacob," he said gravely. His eyes were locked on Kari's. "Sam took him home, but we need to get over there fast."

Kari was on her feet before Embry finished speaking. She shoved her feet into her shoes without bothering to put on socks. "Let's go."

"Emb-" Tiffany started. The teenagers were out the door before she could get the name out. 

"What happened?" Kari asked frantically. "I knew something bad would happen today. Why didn't you listen to me?"

"We missed one," Embry explained. He took her hand in his as an automatic reflex, not noticing the action. "Leah went after it and Jake shoved her out of the way before the leech could get his arms around her. Sam wouldn't let anyone leave until Carlisle got here. It's bad. He-"

Embry was cut off by a loud curse and screaming Kari wished she hadn't heard. They stopped, looking at one another with wide eyes, and ran for Billy's. Embry got there first, bouncing on his feet anxiously as he waited for Kari to catch up. The whole pack was outside the house, along with Billy and Sue. It wasn't long before she heard Bella's truck coming up the road and it jerked to a stop in the driveway. Kari ripped her hand from Embry's and marched up to Bella, her hands fisted at her sides. "This is your fault!"

Bella blinked in surprised and looked toward the house before focusing on Kari. "I didn't-"

"If you hadn't gone and gotten yourself involved with those- those bloodsuckers Jacob wouldn't be hurt!" Kari yelled. "You should've stayed away! You should've never left Pheonix!"

Embry put a gentle hand on her shoulder and Kari shook it off. Bella's expression showed hurt and guilt.

"But you had to come!" Kari continued. "You just had to come and make him fall in love with you and crush him over and over! You had to be with that stupid leech!"

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