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Bella figured it out soon enough. She walked into Emily's house, visibly shaken, a couple days after Kari's outburst. Kari offered a tight smile from where she was on the couch. "Bella."

Bella blinked. "Wait, did you know?"

Kari pretended to think. "I found out a week ago."


Though Kari's wounds were healing, she was still hesitant about moving. The thought of ripping them open again scared her, especially after what she'd gone through after Embry had calmed her down. She shuttered at the thought and stood carefully from the couch. Emily was in the kitchen making breakfast. She whacked Jared's hand with a wood spoon. "Save some for your brothers! And ladies first."

Kari giggled as Bella stared, wide-eyed, at the giant muffins on the table. She plucked a blueberry one from the pile. "Muffin, Bella?"

"Thanks," Bella mumbled. Kari ignored the way Bella eyed her. She shirt she was wearing had no sleeves, and the back was cut in such a way as to expose her bandages. It was easier to tend to them that way.

Sam came in then, followed by Paul and Jacob laughing and joking. Bella perked up immediately. "Are you okay?"

"Relax," Jacob said easily. "I'm fine."

They heard someone mutter a curse under their breath and Kari rolled her eyes. Another bet. She noted the pink line on Paul's arm that was fading slowly. They exchanged a wary glance, still uneasy around each other. Paul rubbed the back of his neck and looked at Bella. "Sorry."

"He's a hothead," Kari said with a teasing smile. "Don't take it personally."

She noticed Bella look away sharply when Sam showered Emily with kisses. "Em, do you mind if I go for a walk today? I'll stay with Jacob and Bella, and come right back if I get tired."

Emily debated, looking up at Sam, before nodding. "Be careful, and take a jacket with you."

Jacob took Bella's hand, which Kari pointedly tried to ignore, and the three of them left the house. When they were out of earshot, Bella spoke up. "Sam did that?"

Jacob nodded solemnly. "He feels horrible about it and tries to make up for it every day."

Bella turned to look at Kari, her eyes wary as she spoke. "What happened to you?"

Kari shrugged with one shoulder. She was picking at her muffin, putting small bites into her mouth. "I pissed off a werewolf. You really shouldn't be standing so close."

Bella blanched, her feet gluing to the rocks. Kari and Jacob turned to look at her. "Which one?"

"Paul. The hothead," Kari said casually. "It looks worse than it feels."

If Bella noticed Kari avoiding Jacob's eyes, she said nothing about it. "How bad is it?"

"Emily's scars go down her arm," Kari said. "Mine go from my left shoulder to my right hip. I was further away though, so Paul didn't do much damage. I kind of snapped a few days ago and reopened them, which is why it looks so bad."

"I can't imagine," Bella whispered.

"Battle scars for the win," Kari said sarcastically. "Am I right?"

Bella looked down, subconsciously tracing the crescent-shaped scar on her hand. Jacob blinked as he put it together. "Wait... a bloodsucker did that to you?"

Bella nodded. "Spring break last year. I was with- them. A tracker caught my scent and came after me."

"You didn't fall through a window," Jacob realized. He looked down at her. "But how-?"

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