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The summer ended too soon. Sam proposed to Emily, who accepted enthusiastically. Both Kari and Jacob could see how much that hurt Leah to see but neither commented on it. Leah had become more withdrawn and angry since Sam had broken things off. Her brother, Seth, felt bad about how much his sister was hurting and was stuck in the middle. He wanted to be happy for his cousin. Harry had told Leah it was for the better and she would find someone that was her perfect match one day. Leah hadn't cared about what anyone said.

Shortly after school started, Jacob convinced Kari to go to Forks with him early one morning to see Bella. She went despite herself. They waited on the sidewalk in front of the main building in the misty air for Bella to show, Edward in tow as always. Edward looked angry, his lips pressed into a thin line. Bella smiled brightly and greeted Jacob.

"Happy birthday, Bella," Jacob told her.

"Sh!" Bella had said quickly, looking around to see if anyone had heard.

Kari snorted. The girl was eighteen. Did she really have an aversion to growing older already? She understood the desire to be pretty and youthful forever, but Bella was being ridiculous.

"I brought you something," Jacob said. He pulled the dreamcatcher from his pocket. "For the bad dreams."

"Wait, did you make this?" Bella asked. She took the delicate gift and looked it over carefully.

Kari rolled her eyes. "Course he did. He made one for me two years ago. Yours looks better, though."

"Wow," Bella mused. She beamed up at Jacob. "Thanks, Jacob. This is sort of perfect."

Jacob beamed back and Kari nudged him in the ribs. "We should get back before school starts."

"And hope not to get pulled over," Kari added. "Since neither of us technically have a license. You won't tell Charlie, will you?"

Bella bit her lip, deliberating for a moment, before nodding. "No worries."

"Bye Bella," Kari and Jacob chorused as they left. Though Kari didn't care for him, she offered the slightest of waves to Edward before they were out of sight.

The drive back to the reservation was faster than the ride to Forks. "You and Edward don't really like each other, do you?"

Jacob glanced at Kari and shrugged. "He doesn't like me. I think he's scared of a little competition."

"Do you seriously still have a crush on that girl?" Kari asked. She rolled her eyes. "Jake, it's been six months."

"They could still break up," he insisted. 

Kari stayed quiet. She ignored Sam standing in front of the school when they got there, clearly wondering where she had gone and why Jacob was driving without a license. She went to class quickly so she wasn't late. It wasn't until lunch that she realized Jared was staring at her.

"Hey," Quil said quietly. He gestured with his chin. "Why is Cameron staring at you today?"

Kari glanced over her shoulder and shrugged. "I don't know. He's been hanging out with Sam lately. He might have said something. He's way too overprotective for his own good."

"I don't like it," Jacob said just as quietly.

"Me either," Embry added. He glanced at Jared every few minutes after that. Lunch ended and Jacob went to class with Kari. They were talking about a movie night that weekend when Jared walked up and leaned down on the table.

"Where were you this morning?" Jared asked. His voice was almost a whisper and he looked over his shoulder briefly.

"Why does it matter to you?" Kari jeered.

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