Chapter 4: Comrades

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In a certain place at a certain time, "I'm sure you remember how to sign up, right LLENN?" the black haired girl inquired whilst entering the facility. The four members of the proud LPFM team had just arrived at GGO's administration offices. Like BOB, this would be where players signed up for Squad Jam. The pink chibi who had just followed the rest of her teammates inside the massive building was greeted by a few cubicles. They were the machines used to fill out your application for the competition. "Ofcourse I do." replied LLENN, who made her way to one of the machines. Her comrades joined her but made sure to use separate ones from eachother. "Alright. Everyone, fill out the form and we'll check out the participating teams later." The pink-clad girl instructed.
"Roger that." She heard calls from all three of them.

Naturally, the first ones to finish were Pitohui and M since they'd fill out way more complicated forms in real life. Collaboration contracts or any business-related documents. But LLENN and Fukaziroh didn't take too long to finish as well. Right in front of them was a flat screen in which showed the participating teams for the incoming competitions. It was already pretty late in the afternoon so they doubted that anyone would participate after them. Besides, they already took that hint due to the fact that they were alone in this vacant room. Another one, LLENN was known for being last-minute. Taking her participation for SJ2 as an example.

"Let's see.." LLENN waited for the participants of SJ3 to come up. Fulfilling her wish, a board was displayed right before her very eyes. All gathered together, LPFM looked up to try and identify the newcomers and veterans. Shown as the fifth team joining, "Looks like SHINC joined. Yet again, it was pretty predictable. Those girls are always looking for a chance to fight in thrilling battles." Fuka commented, hoping to earn LLENN's attention. In which the latter nodded. "Oh definitely." She chuckled in return. That was until they had spotted other familiar teams appear. The board scrolled down pretty fast. "SHINC...MMTM...KKHC...ZEMAL...T-S.." listed LPFM's leader: LLENN.
Training in the wastelands, "Boss! There's a new participant for SJ3!" Were a set of girls carrying around a set of heavy weapons. Ranging from the: Vintorez, Bizon, Dragunov and PK machine guns. The one who let out such a cry was the fox-like woman, Tanya. The girls of SHINC had found a monster lurking around near-by and settled that it would be their practice dummy for the afternoon. The braided woman, "I sure hope it's LLENN and her team. I didn't see her familiar initial in any of the team names so far." reloaded her beloved vintorez. Sophie, who was right beside her, "Neither did M and that woman Pitohui. Could it be that they retired after the fame of Squad Jam 2?"

Hearing such a suggestion from Sophie made Boss's eyes widen in disappointment. She looked down for a minute. "Those two teams  were hardcore players. It would be a shame to call MMTM and I the only favourites." replied the woman who had now lifted her chin up from the ground. Sophie stayed silent afterwards, letting Tanya have the time to announce who the participating team was. Slowly, she walked over to Boss and opened up SJ3's participating teams board. From there, her eyes widened. She found, "No way! It's LPFM!" that the newcomers' team was the one at the very top. That could only mean one thing.

"The participating teams have reached 30. Prelims would be held tomorrow at an earlier time than the actual time for the competition. " declared Boss with much confidence. Tanya and the others sighed in relief. "Well thank God. Since we came fourth last match, we'd have to participate in the preliminaries tomorrow, right?" inquired the blonde beauty, Anna. Boss shook her head at her assumption. She had already figured out LPFM's initials. "No we don't have to. Since the runner-up and third ranked have combined." she explained. But Anna didn't quite understand. "Huh? What do you mean? LLENN's participating. Isn't M's team as well?" She questioned.

"That's exactly what I mean. LLENN's participating and so is M and his own team. It's just, him and Pitohui are teaming with LLENN and Fukaziroh." She explained again, in an easier way to put things. Anna, who finally understood, "Ah so that's what LPFM stand for." She whispered only to be interrupted by Boss again. She curled a fist and with a valiant smile, "Alright ladies! A worthy competitor, finally! Let's give them everything we've got!" pumped her fist in the air. Her comrades cheered alongside her. "Roger that!"
In the Center of Glocken, "Hm. I see." smiled a black-haired man as he saw the new team that was participating. His comrades, all huddled beside him, looked at him with curious eyes. "Huh? What's up leader?" asked Kenta. The others were just as confused as he was. But finally, keeping his answer short, "LPFM standing for: LLENN, Pitohui, Fukaziroh and M. Gentlemen. I believe we have GGO's strongest squad." he clapped, standing up.

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