CH-32: Baseball Games and Labor Pains

Start from the beginning

A sly smile crossed his features as the pegasus wound up to throw the ball. With a snap, the ball flew past the batter with an unimaginable speed. The umpire looked bewildered. "Strike One?"

"It looks like the rookie, Babe Hoof, is stronger than he looks. What a throw!" the announcer proclaimed.

Screwball gasped. "Did you see that Daddy?! That was amazing!"

"Wasn't it? Wouldn't expect that kind of pitch from a rookie," he mused.

Hoof smiled with confidence, winding up for the next pitch. This time, Discord made it curve at an impossible angle, but the ball still hit it's mark at the catcher's glove. "Strike Two!"

"Whoa! Hoof is just on fire today! Where is all this talent coming from, I wonder?"

"Daddy, did you see that?! How'd he do that? Can you teach me to do that?"

"We'll see," he said, thinking about his next trick. When Hoof prepared for his next pitch, Discord made the ball fly high, making seem like it would go over the batting box, then it dropped, curving abruptly so it flew past the batter. "Strike three! Yer out!"

Screwball whooped and cheered, not knowing her father was the cause of the random pitches.

The next batter came up, steady and strong, waiting for the next pitch.

"Let's see if Hoof's got enough power to get the next batter out!" The announcer said.

"Come on, Babe Hoof! You got this!" Screwball shouted. Discord chuckled. This next pitch would be hard to top. Babe wound up the pitch, and he let it go. The ball spasmed and jerked out of the batter's reach as it flew past him.

"How the hay is he doin' that?" the batter demanded through the bat in his mouth. He readied himself, and Hoof let the ball fly from his hoof.

And fly it did. Right over the swing of the bat.

Discord could hold his laughter back no longer. Every pony ignored the draconequus's laugh in order to see what the next abnormal pitch would be.

Screwball, however, glared at her father, realizing he was causing the balls to go all crazy. "Daddy! You know that's cheating!" she said.

Discord wiped a stray tear away, bringing his daughter close. "It's not cheating if you're not caught," he said. "Besides, Cloudsdale has a better chance of winning this way!"

Screwball nodded, believing his words. "Can i try to help them win?"

Discord nodded. He demonstrated how to manipulate the ball with her magic. He made the ball curve, then slow when the batter swung, then sped the ball past him.

"Now you try,"

Screwball nodded, concentrating on the ball. She forced the ball into a wicked curve, making the pitcher swing early, believing the ball to be heading towards his left. "Strike Two!"

"Fantastic!" Discord cheered. "Let's see if you can do it again,"

"Okay, Daddy!" Screwball scrunched her nose up in concentration, focusing on the ball's new path. When Babe Hoof released the ball, it faked a right, curving a sharp left. "Strike three! Yer out!"

The batter threw the wooden bat down in anger.

Discord cheered with his daughter, blending in with the roaring crowd, though celebrating for different reasons. "That was very clever, Screwball! In fact, I think we should name that after you,"

"Really?!" Screwball squealed. She did a little dance, twirling around. Discord noticed something different about her then. It took him a moment to familiarize himself with the term, then he gasped.

"My Princess of Chaos, look what you've just earned!" he said, pointing towards her flank.

"What? What did I earn?!" she asked excitedly. She looked to where her father was pointing and gasped as well. 

A small baseball and a screw had appeared on her no longer blank flank. It was a glorious day indeed.

Screwball had finally received her cutie mark.


Back at the castle, Maria was sleeping fitfully. She shuffled every once in a while, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in her lower back.

A sharp cry erupted from her mouth as she felt a numbing pain flow through her body. Still under the remains of the  calming spell, she fought to open her eyes. Her clawed hand grabbed weakly for the side of the couch in an effort to sit up. She took in a few deep breaths to let the pain subside. This was far worse than Screwball's birth, but since she was still halfway under the spell, she found it difficult to concentrate.

Her drowsiness was a dense fog in her mind, and she momentarily forgot what she had to do. Another wave of pain racked her body, and she cried out for her husband.

At the game, Discord heard his wife's call ring out over the almost deafening roar of the crowd as the Cloudsdale Pegasi won a home run, thanks to Screwball making the ball literally fly over the wall. 

There was no time to celebrate, however.

Discord quickly snatched up his daughter, who shrieked in protest. Teleporting back to his home, he found his wife lying on the couch, a dark liquid staining the cushions. He put Screwball on his back, picking Maria up bridal style. She let out a moan, her mind clouded by sleepiness and pain.

They were at the hospital in no time.

Within a few minutes, a team of nurses had rolled Maria into a delivery room, Discord accompanying his daughter in the waiting room. Somewhere between the contractions, Maria passed out.

It was several minutes later that Discord decided that he couldn't take sitting in the room. He summoned five little ponies to take his place. 

Twilight Sparkle was first to react. "Why did you bring us here?!"

"Listen, Maria's in labor and I have to be there with her. Please watch Screwball while I'm in there with her?"

Twilight was about to speak when Fluttershy spoke up. "We'll watch over her. Go comfort Maria,"

"Caring as always, Fluttershy!" Discord smiled. He turned to Screwball. "I'll be back soon with your mom. Be a big girl for daddy, okay?"

"Okay Daddy," she said.

"Thanks again!" Discord said as he rushed down the hall to Maria's room.

Meanwhile, Maria was numb with pain. She screamed as each contraction hit her like a tidal wave. In a way, she just wanted to die.

Discord came into the room, instantly drawn to her side. She felt relieved that he was there, an found courage and surge of strength rush though her. Maria was determined to get through this.


Maria opened her eyes, blinking the sleep from them. A quick glance around confirmed that she was in a hospital. A hand curled around her own and she turned her head to see Discord smiling down at her.

"What happened?" she asked.

"Do you want to see our kids?" he asked. She stared at him for a moment before nodding. Discord's smile seemed to widen as he turned, grabbing the first bundle. A small pink haired, purple filly shuffled, yawning and opening her eyes. Maria kissed her head softly. Discord then handed her a slightly larger bundle. She gasped as she took in his appearance.

Her son was a draconequus, just like his father.

Chaos smiled cutely, trying to grab for Maria, while Random found entertainment in her curly hair.

"Maria, meet Random and Chaos,"

And dah twins are here!! I'm sorry if the birth was a little fast, I was a bit low on time.

We're almost done with the story, so brace yourselves!! ^^

Hope you enjoyed! Please comment, vote, and share!

I'll be back as soon as I can with a new chapter! 


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