Chapter Forty Five

Start from the beginning


"Just two house's up."
Blayze explained, pointing to the left hand side of the road.
"I remember."
I told him.
The only place I seem to get lost in is the god damn city.
Thank god I don't go there often.
You're heading there tomorrow.
The little voice in my head taunted.
I resisted the urge to punch the steering wheel.
I'd be getting up at 3AM tomorrow, to get to Adelaide's city centre in time for the stuffy shop's to open.
Then I was meant to find a suit, not only for myself but for Jax as the best man and Heath, Keegan, Codie and Joel as the Groomsmen.
I parked the Ute out the front of the house I'd been to once before, to pick Blayze up for his stay at our place.
With a weighted and obvious sigh, Blayze unbuckled his seat belt.
The weight on my shoulder's suddenly became significantly heavier.
Blayze still wouldn't say what bothered him about his home life.
And I was about to have some pretty intense word's with my Mother and his Mother.
I just hoped that what went down from here, wouldn't impact Blayze being able to come and see us.
But there was a high chance it would.
Bailey and my Son's were and had to be my top priority, however.
While Blayze climbed out of the passenger side, I unbuckled my seat belt.
"You're coming in?"
My nephew asked, pausing as He reached to close the passenger side door.
"Sort of."
I hedged.
I by no mean's wanted to go into the House.
But I did have to talk to My Mother and Sister.
Blayze closed the passenger door and moved to open the back seat door to retrieve the gear bag He'd brought along for his stay at our place.
I picked my phone up from the centre console to find I had no messages or missed call's from Hone, set the phone back into the compartment and pushed the driver's side door open.
"Can you go in and see if your Mum and Grandma can come out to see Me?"
I asked Blayze as we walked towards the old stone House that his Mother was renting.
The rent's probably not much.
I thought as I looked at the breaking gutter around the roof and the chipped paint on the door and window frames.
"You can come in."
Blayze stated, looking at Me in surprise.
I didn't particularly want Him overhearing this conversation.
And I was aware He had a younger Brother and Sister.
They certainly didn't need to hear anything the Uncle they didn't even know had to say.
"I'll just wait out here."
I denied, stopping on the area that was probably meant to be a lawn, but was nothing but a dirt pit thanks to the Drought.
We so fucking need rain.
Blayze turned and climbed up the cracked brick step's that led to the front door.
He tested the handle and with a worn groan, the door opened.
Releasing a breath I'd not even realised I'd been holding, I placed my hands onto my hips and turned my back on the dilapidated house.


"He's such a good eater."
Mum remarked, pure pride lacing her voice.
I turned to look at Luka who was sitting in his high chair, finishing off the subway I'd made him.
Of course he'd been half trying to eat it as a roll and half the time picking out bit's to eat.
But the maybe four inches of Lunch that I'd made him was almost gone.
And I'd been watching to make sure He wasn't feeding any to the Dog's.
"Which mean's that either Brodie or Dale will be a pain in the bum eater, right?"
I asked, turning back to the table of Adult's.
Mum shrugged.
"Not necessarily."
She denied.
"You, Izac and Jace have all been good eater's. Hazel on the other hand..."
She shook her head.
Jax smirked.
"Miss 'I'll have a burger, but no salad, only meat and cheese'!"
We all laughed!
"Hey, Salad's basically rabbit food."
Codie remarked.
Noah elbowed his ribs.
Codie laughed!
"You eat Salad Codie, I've seen you."
I rolled my eyes.
I didn't point out that Today was another of those day's.
His Subway of Ham, Chicken, Salami, Lettuce, Onion, Cucumber, Tomato, Pickle and Beetroot was all but finished.
Codie smirked.
"I never said I'm picky!"
Luka's Lunch had contained the same as our's, I'd just left the Salami and Onion off and He'd so far polished off almost every last bit of it.
"How was Blayze today?"
Jax asked.
"Ready to snap."
Codie answered before I could.
Jax winced.
I grimaced.
"He was pissed at Me. For keepin' quiet."
Jax informed us.
I frowned.
Blayze didn't tell Me he was mad at Jax!
Codie shrugged.
"Me too."
"Me three."
Noah all but whispered.
I sighed.
Thing's would sure get interesting if Blayze was still annoyed at everybody when the Wedding date rolled around.
And the day's were certainly flying by!
"He'll sort it out."
Mum reasoned.
I slumped back in my chair.
"But at what cost?"
Jax's smile was sad.
He knew what I did.
There was a good chance Blayze would push Loralai and Madison right out of His life.

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